Solved Need help for /furnace

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New Member
Feb 10, 2024
Hi, I have this skript for /furnace that works well but not for some items, why ? Thank you

    message_cuit: &6&lDinggg, c'est cuit!
    erreur: &cIl n'y a pas d'objet à faire cuire

command /furnace:
  permission: nexmagic.furnace
  permission message: &cTu dois etre &6&lVIP ou Empereur &fpour avoir accès a cette commande
    if tool of player is beef:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of beef from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cooked beef to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is porkchop:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of porkchop from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cooked porkchop to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is emerald ore:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of emerald ore from player's inventory
      give {_item} of emerald to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is gold ore:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of gold ore from player's inventory
      give {_item} of gold ingot to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is iron ore:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of iron ore from player's inventory
      give {_item} of iron ingot to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is diamond ore:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of diamond ore from player's inventory
      give {_item} of diamond to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is coal ore:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of coal ore from player's inventory
      give {_item} of coal to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is oak log or spruce log or birch log or jungle log or acacia log or dark oak log:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      set {_log} to tool of player
      remove {_item} of {_log} from player's inventory
      give {_item} of charcoal to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is potato:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of potato from player's inventory
      give {_item} of baked potato to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is cod:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of cod from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cod to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is salmon:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of salmon from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cooked salmon to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is chicken:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw chicken from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cooked chicken to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is rabbit:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw rabbit from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cooked rabbit to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is mutton:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw mutton from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cooked mutton to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is cobblestone:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of cobblestone from player's inventory
      give {_item} of stone to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is raw iron:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw iron from player's inventory
      give {_item} of iron ingot to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is stone:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of stone from player's inventory
      give {_item} of smooth stone to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is raw iron block:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw iron block from player's inventory
      give {_item} of iron block to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is raw gold:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw gold from player's inventory
      give {_item} of gold ingot to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is raw gold block:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw gold block from player's inventory
      give {_item} of gold block to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is raw copper:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw copper from player's inventory
      give {_item} of copper ingot to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is raw copper block:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of raw copper block from player's inventory
      give {_item} of copper block to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is sand:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of sand from player's inventory
      give {_item} of glass to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is ancient debris:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of ancient debris from player's inventory
      give {_item} of netherite scrap to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is stone bricks:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of stone bricks from player's inventory
      give {_item} of cracked stone bricks to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is netherrack:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of netherrack from player's inventory
      give {_item} of nether bricks to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"
    if tool of player is wet sponge:
      set {_item} to item amount of player's tool
      remove {_item} of wet sponge from player's inventory
      give {_item} of sponge to player
      message "{@message_cuit}"

      message "{@erreur}"

Here are the errors :

[11:51:07 INFO]: Line 112: (
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Can't compare a slot with an object
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Line: if tool of player is raw iron block:
[11:51:07 INFO]:
[11:51:07 INFO]: Line 118: (
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Can't compare a slot with an object
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Line: if tool of player is raw gold:
[11:51:07 INFO]:
[11:51:07 INFO]: Line 124: (
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Can't compare a slot with an object
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Line: if tool of player is raw gold block:
[11:51:07 INFO]:
[11:51:07 INFO]: Line 136: (
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Can't compare a slot with an object
[11:51:07 INFO]:     Line: if tool of player is raw copper block:
[11:51:07 INFO]:
[11:51:07 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 4 errors while reloading! (190ms)
Last edited:
Solved, the item names were wrong :

- Block of Raw Iron instead of raw iron block
- Raw Gold instead of raw gold
- Block of Raw Gold instead of raw gold block
- Block of Raw Copper instead of raw copper block