need help fixing my skript

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Jun 23, 2021
on right click with stick:
    if {mana.%player%} is above 6:
    if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape":
        chance of 50%:
            apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply invisibility 1 to player for 8 seconds
            apply regeneration 2 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&aYou got giving the ability to escape"
            apply slowness 10 to player for 3 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if {mana.%player%} is above 6:
    if name of tool of player is "&a&lWand Of Attack":
        chance of 50%:
            apply strength 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply resistance 2 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&aYou got giving the ability to attack"
            apply weakness 5 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if {mana.%player%} is above 6:
    if name of tool of player is "&d&lWand Of Regen":
        chance of 50%:
            apply regeneration 3 to player for 5 seconds
            apply poison 4 to player for 5 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape":
        chance of 50%:
            apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply invisibility 1 to player for 8 seconds
            apply regeneration 2 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&aYou got giving the ability to escape"
            apply slowness 10 to player for 3 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if name of tool of player is "&a&lWand Of Attack":
        chance of 50%:
            apply strength 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply resistance 2 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&aYou got giving the ability to attack"
            apply weakness 5 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if name of tool of player is "&d&lWand Of Regen":
        chance of 50%:
            apply regeneration 3 to player for 5 seconds
            apply poison 4 to player for 5 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"

on the on name of tools lines skript tells me nothing is there. How can i fix it or can anyone give me a fixed copy
Formated code:
on right click with stick:
    if {mana.%player%} is above 6:
        if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape":
            chance of 50%:
                apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
                apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds
                apply invisibility 1 to player for 8 seconds
                apply regeneration 2 to player for 8 seconds
                send "&aYou got giving the ability to escape"
                apply slowness 10 to player for 3 seconds
                send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if {mana.%player%} is above 6:
        if name of tool of player is "&a&lWand Of Attack":
            chance of 50%:
                apply strength 2 to player for 8 seconds
                apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
                apply resistance 2 to player for 8 seconds
                send "&aYou got giving the ability to attack"
                apply weakness 5 to player for 8 seconds
                send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if {mana.%player%} is above 6:
        if name of tool of player is "&d&lWand Of Regen":
            chance of 50%:
                apply regeneration 3 to player for 5 seconds
                apply poison 4 to player for 5 seconds
                send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape":
        chance of 50%:
            apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply invisibility 1 to player for 8 seconds
            apply regeneration 2 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&aYou got giving the ability to escape"
            apply slowness 10 to player for 3 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if name of tool of player is "&a&lWand Of Attack":
        chance of 50%:
            apply strength 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds
            apply resistance 2 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&aYou got giving the ability to attack"
            apply weakness 5 to player for 8 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
on right click with stick:
    if name of tool of player is "&d&lWand Of Regen":
        chance of 50%:
            apply regeneration 3 to player for 5 seconds
            apply poison 4 to player for 5 seconds
            send "&cYour spell backfired"
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