need help ASAP!! View player's inventory if the player is offline.

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Active Member
Sep 23, 2019
Basically what i'm trying to make is when a player will leave, it will create a piston that contains his inventory. My problem is that it only shows the inventory of the player that actually clicked the piston, not the one that left the server.
Here is my code:
on disconnect:
    set {Stuff} to player's serialized inventory   
on disconnect:
    set block at player's location to piston

on right click on piston:
    restore inventory of player from {Stuff}
    set {_inv} to chest with 6 rows named "&fLoot"
    set {_inv}'s serialized contents to {Stuff}
    open {_inv} to player

on join:
    loop all blocks in radius 1 of player:
        if loop-block is piston:
            set loop-block to air
I dont know whats ur Problem but why are you using {stuff} for everyone?
Every leave {stuff} will get overriden with another inventory.
on disconnect:
    set {Stuff.%player%} to player's serialized inventory 
on disconnect:
    set block at player's location to piston
on right click on piston:
    restore inventory of player from {Stuff.%player%}
    set {_inv.%player%} to chest with 6 rows named "&f%player%'s Items"
    set {_inv.%player%}'s serialized contents to {Stuff.%player%}
    open {_inv.%player%} to player
on join:
    loop all blocks in radius 1 of player:
        if loop-block is piston:
            set loop-block to air
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