Need an easy Script!

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Jan 29, 2020
Category: Block Event

Suggested name:

Spigot/Skript Version: latest Skript

What I want: Set Spawnpoint on Block like Checkpoint

Ideas for commands: dont need it

Ideas for perm: use.checkpoint

Time: asap

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on right click:
   player has permission use.checkpoint
   player's tool is cake named "spawn"
   set world spawn to block above targeted block's location
Im not sure, but what mean "player's tool is cake named "spawn"?
It's just allowing you to make it a specific item they have to have, if you don't want it just remove that line "player's tool" refers to the item the player is holding
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Im not sure, but what mean "player's tool is cake named "spawn"?

basically means check if the player's tool is itemstack cake with customName "spawn"

It's just allowing you to make it a specific item they have to have, if you don't want it just remove that line "player's tool" refers to the item the player is holding

If he removes it then every time someone right clicks and they have that permission then they'll set the spawnpoint.
Not recommended.

Alternate code @RowingLev
on right click with cake:
   player has permission "setspawn"
   player's tool is named "setspawn"
   set world spawn to player's location
when a player right clicks with a cake, check if they have permission "setspawn". If they do, check if their tool's name (which is a cake) is called "setspawn". If it is, set the spawnpoint to the player's location