My skript isnt working

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Jul 25, 2024
On my skript
on death of player:
if victim has golden boots in inventory:
if random integer between 1 and 2 is 1:
# 50% chance: Demote the player
execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set pro"
execute console command "/clear %victim% golden_boots"
execute console command "/give %victim% iron_boots"
broadcast "&lYou Kept Your Rank With A 50% Chance!"

if victim has diamond boots in inventory:
if random integer between 1 and 2 is 1:
# 50% chance: Demote the player
execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set master"
execute console command "/clear %victim% diamond_boots"
execute console command "/give %victim% golden_boots"
broadcast "&lYou Kept Your Rank With A 50% Chance!"

if victim has iron boots in inventory:
if random integer between 1 and 2 is 1:
# Demote the player
execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set default"
execute console command "/clear %victim% iron_boots"
execute console command "/give %victim% leather_boots"
broadcast "%victim% was demoted to the default rank!"
broadcast "&l%victim% kept your rank!"

if victim has chainmail boots in inventory:
if random integer between 1 and 4 is 1:
# 25% chance: Demote the player
execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set master"
execute console command "/clear %victim% chainmail_boots"
execute console command "/give %victim% iron_boots"
broadcast "&l%victim% Kept Your Rank With A 75% Chance!"
it keeps saying something with the placement of thr brackets pls help and correct my skript!
on death of player:

if victim has golden boots in inventory:

if random integer between 1 and 2 is 1:

# 50% chance: Demote the player

execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set pro"

execute console command "/clear %victim% golden_boots"

execute console command "/give %victim% iron_boots"


broadcast “&lYou Kept Your Rank With A 50% Chance!"

if player has diamond boots in inventory:

if random integer between 1 and 2 is 1:

# 50% chance: Demote the player

execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set master"

execute console command "/clear %victim% diamond_boots"

execute console command "/give %victim% golden_boots"


broadcast "&lYou Kept Your Rank With A 50% Chance!"

if player has iron boots in inventory:

if random integer between 1 and 2 is 1:

# Demote the player

execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set default"

execute console command "/clear %victim% iron_boots"

execute console command "/give %victim% leather_boots"

broadcast “%victim% was demoted to the default rank!"


broadcast "&l %victim% kept your rank!"

if player has chainmail boots in inventory:

if random integer between 1 and 4 is 1:

# 25% chance: Demote the player

execute console command "/lp user %victim% parent set master"

execute console command "/clear %victim% chainmail_boots"

execute console command "/give %victim% iron_boots"


broadcast "&l%victim% Kept Your Rank With A 75% Chance!"