Solved MundoSK,packets.

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Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
how extract lines from "play_client_update_sign"?
on packet event play_client_update_sign:
   loop 4 times:
       set {_%loop-number%} to %line loop-number from even-packet%
       broadcast "%{_%loop-number%}%"
how set the lines to the "new play_server_open_sign_editor" without using set block?
function openSignEditor(player:player):
   set {_packet} to new play_server_open_sign_editor packet
   set {_line1} from {_packet} to "hi!"
   send packet {_packet} to {_player}
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For the first thing you have to set a list variable to the string array pinfo 0 of that packet. Example:

on packet event play_client_update_sign:
    set {_lines::*} to string array pinfo 0 of event-packet

And the second thing isn't possible due to you have to send a play_server_tile_entity_data packet and such as the NBT isn't a thing for the packet stuff yet (I've suggested it to @Tlatoani a while ago), you can't set the lines of a fake sign (created with the play_server_block_change packet). Just put a sign somewhere then set the lines of the sign and set the location pinfo 0 of that packet to the location of the sign like I did on my ClickEdit script.
For the first thing you have to set a list variable to the string array pinfo 0 of that packet. Example:

on packet event play_client_update_sign:
    set {_lines::*} to string array pinfo 0 of event-packet

And the second thing isn't possible due to you have to send a play_server_tile_entity_data packet and such as the NBT isn't a thing for the packet stuff yet (I've suggested it to @Tlatoani a while ago), you can't set the lines of a fake sign (created with the play_server_block_change packet). Just put a sign somewhere then set the lines of the sign and set the location pinfo 0 of that packet to the location of the sign like I did on my ClickEdit script.

My registration system is working!
You have been helping me with packages for a long time, thank you.
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