Solved Multiply lore's

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Jul 14, 2017
So im trying to make a shop skript. And want 2 different lore's on an item. Sell: 20 and Buy:10. But how can i add 2 lore's?
format gui slot 1 of player with coal with lore "&8Sell:&e $10" with lore 2 "&8Buy:&e $20" to run function sellGuiItem(player, 10, coal, 1) with "right" click
an item cant have 2 lores. if you mean that you want it to have multiple lines then use || to start a new line
with lore  "Sell: $10 ||Buy: $20"
#or if you want a space in between
with lore "Sell: $10 ||||Buy: $20"