Script Version (do not put latest): 2.5.3
Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
Other Useful Info:
I am multiplying price and level which are 3600 and 28 respectively. When I do this, it gives me 0. It shouldn't be doing this and I'm not sure why it is. The math has been triple checked and I am sure it is correct. Hopefully someone can help, thanks.
Addons using (including versions):
SkPerm, SkQuery, TuSKe, Skellet
Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
else if {_level} is less than 100:
set {_totalcost} to (16000 * {_level}) - 590000
else if {_level} is more or equal to 100:
#do something
set {_price} to {_totalcost} - {%player's uuid%.levelspent}
if {%player's} is less than {_price}:
send "&cError: &rNot enough gold."
play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" to player
add 1 to {%player's uuid%.level}
send "&aPurchase: &rLevel %{%player's uuid%.level}%"
send "%{_price}%"
send "%{_level}%"
set {_amount} to {_level} * {_price} parsed as integer
send "%{_amount}%"
play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" to player
add {_price} to {%player's uuid%.levelspent}
close the player's inventory
make player execute command "/90fjslk3"
Other Useful Info:
I am multiplying price and level which are 3600 and 28 respectively. When I do this, it gives me 0. It shouldn't be doing this and I'm not sure why it is. The math has been triple checked and I am sure it is correct. Hopefully someone can help, thanks.
Addons using (including versions):
SkPerm, SkQuery, TuSKe, Skellet
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