I'm trying this:
This is a part of my code, of course. But I'm getting this error:
[Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: make loop-player glow with color "WHITE" for player (survival_hard_conditions.sk, line 476: make loop-player glow with color "WHITE" for player')
I already tried to put morkazsk before the effect, but nothing, return same error, but with morkazsk before "make"
This effect changed, was removed or something?
How can I make specific players glow to another specific player?
Thank you in advance for reading this, and so much for reply.
Note: There's no error in console but the mentioned above. Morkazsk was loaded successfuly.
command modocontrole:
loop all players:
if {mode.control.%loop-player%} is "false":
make loop-player glow with color "WHITE" for player
This is a part of my code, of course. But I'm getting this error:
[Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: make loop-player glow with color "WHITE" for player (survival_hard_conditions.sk, line 476: make loop-player glow with color "WHITE" for player')
I already tried to put morkazsk before the effect, but nothing, return same error, but with morkazsk before "make"
This effect changed, was removed or something?
How can I make specific players glow to another specific player?
Thank you in advance for reading this, and so much for reply.
Note: There's no error in console but the mentioned above. Morkazsk was loaded successfuly.