Mob Spawn

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Jul 28, 2024
Hi, I want the player who kills a mob to be rewarded if the mob was naturally spawned, and also, mobs spawned from mob farms etc. should not be included in this. is this possible?
Alright, I did a little research and I don't think there's an easy way to do this with Skript. The best thing I found you could use (If you figured out how to) would be this: Basically different classes for how something could spawn. Not sure how you would use these since there is no example provided, but it's better than nothing. Alternatively, if you cannot figure out how to do it or that doesn't work, you could always try coding a Plugin, detect an EntitySpawnEvent and then check the spawn reason.
Alright, I did a little research and I don't think there's an easy way to do this with Skript. The best thing I found you could use (If you figured out how to) would be this: Basically different classes for how something could spawn. Not sure how you would use these since there is no example provided, but it's better than nothing. Alternatively, if you cannot figure out how to do it or that doesn't work, you could always try coding a Plugin, detect an
on spawn of chicken:
    if spawn reason is natural:
        set the display name of the last spawned chicken to "Natural Chicken"
This code doesn't work when I try it, but it doesn't give any errors either.
if spawn reason is 'natural' is not working as well.