Solved Mob spawn skript

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New Member
Nov 7, 2019
Here is my code, read the notes within the skript:
command /start:
    set {mobs} to 1
    set {time} to 10
    loop all players:
      set {dead::%loop-player%} to false
      while {dead::%loop-player%} is false:
        broadcast "%{time}%"

# rounds divides time by 1.2 and rounds down

        set {time} to floor({time} / 1.2)
        broadcast "%{time}%"

# eg. if input were 10 output would be 8

        set {time} to "%{time}% seconds"

# converts {time} an integer into a string and adds " seconds" onto the end

        broadcast "%{time}%"

# I am aiming to get it so it will eg. wait 8 seconds i've tried putting the integer
# in and adding seconds on at the end but this just gives an error.
# what should I do? plz help.

        wait {time}
        set {_random} to floor({mobs})
        broadcast "%{_random}%"
        if {time} <= 3:
          broadcast "mobs"
          add 0.2 to {mobs}
          remove 1 from {time}

# the multiplier of how many mobs increase (rounds downwards)

          add 0.2 to {mobs}

        spawn {_random} of creeper above loop-player
You have converted `integer` into `string`, but you also have to parse it as `timespan` like so:
set {time} to "%{time}% seconds" parsed as timespan

So your code became:
command /start:
    set {mobs} to 1
    set {time} to 10
    loop all players:
      set {dead::%loop-player%} to false
      while {dead::%loop-player%} is false:
        broadcast "%{time}%"
# rounds divides time by 1.2 and rounds down
        set {time} to floor({time} / 1.2)
        broadcast "%{time}%"
# eg. if input were 10 output would be 8
        set {time} to "%{time}% seconds" parsed as timespan
# converts {time} an integer into a string and adds " seconds" onto the end
        broadcast "%{time}%"
# I am aiming to get it so it will eg. wait 8 seconds i've tried putting the integer
# in and adding seconds on at the end but this just gives an error.
# what should I do? plz help.
        wait {time}
        set {_random} to floor({mobs})
        broadcast "%{_random}%"
        if {time} <= 3:
          broadcast "mobs"
          add 0.2 to {mobs}
          remove 1 from {time}
# the multiplier of how many mobs increase (rounds downwards)
          add 0.2 to {mobs}
        spawn {_random} of creeper above loop-player
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