Solved Mob Heads into Tokens

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Jan 29, 2017
command /transfer:
        if player is holding 20 mob heads:
            remove 20 mob head from player's inventory
            send "&c&lTRANSFER &7You transferred 20 heads into 2 tokens!"
            make console execute command "/te add %player% 2"
            send "&c&lTRANSFER &7You are not holding Mob Heads!"

Category: Misc.

Suggested name: Doesn't Matter

What I want:
So, my aim is to allow players to transfer Mob Heads into tokens. My code above works, but even if the player is holding one mob head, it still does all the statements. It's not actually checking the item amount, which it should.

All I need is /transfer to remove 20 mob heads from the player's inventory, and in return, add 2 tokens to the player via Console (TokenEnchant).

Now, if you are feeling nice, I really want a GUI, where player's drag and drop the heads, but don't know if that's possible with Skript, so if not, it's totally fine.

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
Here is the working version. In your condition "if player is holding 20 mob heads" it totally ignores the amount. So I added a condition that checks if the player has 20 mob heads.

command /transfer:
        if player has 20 mob heads:
            if player is holding mob heads:
                remove 20 mob head from player's inventory
                send "&c&lTRANSFER &7You transferred 20 heads into 2 tokens!"
                make console execute command "/te add %player% 2"
                send "&c&lTRANSFER &7You are not holding Mob Heads!"
            message "&c&lTRANSFER &7You don't have 20 Mob Heads!"
