Solved Minigame countdown/queue

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Jan 26, 2017
Category: Fun

Suggested name: Minigame (?)

What I want:
I need a queue/countdown for the players (i mean when you join the minigame, not when starts), because the thing i did for my own TntTag, have a lots of bugs :/.
I don't care if its an api or a simple code

Ideas for commands:
None commands

Ideas for permissions:
None permissions

When I'd like it by: I don't care
Last edited:
Wow, great description. (Not.)

By "queue/countdown" what do you mean? A queue for players? Join methods..? Reasonable time?
Do you mean something like this?

        send player title "&65" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&64" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&63" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&62" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&61" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&aGO!" with subtitle "" for 3 seconds
        play "LEVEL UP" to player at volume 1.0
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 0.3

I used SkRayfall as an addon for the titles.
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Reactions: BrettPlayMC
Do you mean something like this?

        send player title "&65" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&64" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&63" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&62" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&61" with subtitle "" for 1 second
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 1.0
        wait 1 second
        send player title "&aGO!" with subtitle "" for 3 seconds
        play "LEVEL UP" to player at volume 1.0
        play "NOTE PLING" to player at volume 0.3

I used SkRayfall as an addon for the titles.
yeah... but i mean the system, not the messages, anyways, i fix my problem (forgoted to mark as solved post)