Does somebody know why the meta data is not working?
on rightclick with far music disc:
if player is in world "lb":
if name of tool of player is "&aWand Slimes":
if {last::slime::%player%} is 0:
set {last::slime::%player%} to 8
shoot snowball from player at speed 1
set metadata "slime" of last spawned snowball to true
send "{@prefix} Noch %{last::slime::%player%}% Cooldown!"
on projectile hit:
if projectile is a snowball:
if projectile is in world "lb":
if metadata "slime" of projectile is true:
loop 10 times:
spawn a Slime
on rightclick with far music disc:
if player is in world "lb":
if name of tool of player is "&aWand Slimes":
if {last::slime::%player%} is 0:
set {last::slime::%player%} to 8
shoot snowball from player at speed 1
set metadata "slime" of last spawned snowball to true
send "{@prefix} Noch %{last::slime::%player%}% Cooldown!"
on projectile hit:
if projectile is a snowball:
if projectile is in world "lb":
if metadata "slime" of projectile is true:
loop 10 times:
spawn a Slime