I am trying to create a script that send a message to players with the permission techcraft.worldchange.notify but after reading the Skript documentation and experimenting for hours I can't. Here's my current code:
:: Below is just for variable context ::
I am trying to create a script that send a message to players with the permission techcraft.worldchange.notify but after reading the Skript documentation and experimenting for hours I can't. Here's my current code:
command /world <text>:
permission: techcraft.world
permission message: &cYou do not have permission to do this.
usage: /world <World Name>
if arg 1 is set:
teleport the player to {world.%arg 1%}
message "&aAttempting to send you to %arg 1%..."
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "techcraft.worldchange.notify":
wait 5 ticks
message "&7&o[&r&e%player%:&7&o connected to %world%...]"
:: Below is just for variable context ::
command /addworldspawn <text>:
permission: techcraft.worldspawn.create
permission message: &cYou do not have permission to do this.
if arg 1 is set:
set {world.%arg 1%} to location of block at location of player
message "&aSucessfully created world spawn &2%arg 1%&a."
message "&cInvalid Command Usage."