Hello there!
I have a problem with my skript that mentions player's when they use @ before a player name.
This is my code:
When I do @SWOEN (my in-game name) it works fine.
But when I do any other name, for example @Steve, nothing happens.
Does anyone know why this happens?
I have a problem with my skript that mentions player's when they use @ before a player name.
This is my code:
on chat:
if message contains "@%player%":
replace "@%player%" with "&e@%player%&r" in the message
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup player %player% 100 49 0 500 1"
When I do @SWOEN (my in-game name) it works fine.
But when I do any other name, for example @Steve, nothing happens.
Does anyone know why this happens?