
API Mask 2.1.2

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The Master
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Resource Staff
Mar 12, 2017
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Moderocky submitted a new resource:

Mask - A plugin framework primarily aimed at Skript addons to simplify boilerplate tasks.

This API is aimed primarily at plugin-makers or beginner addon developers.

The primary goal is to try and simplify most of the dull or complex tasks that are required in addon/plugin creation.

I use it in production, which is pretty much a guarantee that I will keep it updated.
Almost no features rely on Minecraft version-specific methods so it ought to work on almost any version.

Included Features
  • Automatic Skript addon...

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Moderocky updated Mask with a new update entry:


A new thing of beauty has been added to Mask: the WrappedCommand interface.

WrappedCommands are able to be handled entirely from the class itself - no entry in the plugin.yml or setting executors (though, I suppose, you could still bother with that if you want?)

If you are using the Plugin class template, you can use register(WrappedCommand... commands) to register multiple within your startup() method, or wherever you'd like.

Equally, if you aren't using the Plugin template, you can use...

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Moderocky updated Mask with a new update entry:


This update adds a few libraries that I've been working on in the background, as well as some supportive changes to try and quash any potential clerical errors.

Key changes:
  • Removed several deprecated classes (these are due to be redone soon)
  • Added the PositionalMap
    - a map that uses an X/Y-based key in order to categorise entries
    - brilliant for ordering stuff in a grid basis
    - trust me this thing is a g when it comes to grid work
    - easy acquisition of rows and columns...

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Moderocky updated Mask with a new update entry:

Web servers, menus, item factories and javadocs :)

In this version the following changes have been made:

* Erroneous file creation if using the addon template

  • Basic extendable web server creation system
  • Web action callback events (for GET/POST etc.)
  • Basic system for simple creation of online jSon APIs
  • Better documentation of maps and other classes
  • ItemFactory system for easy creation/editing of items (replaces ItemStacker)
  • Menu GUI system for simple menu creation via callback buttons...

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