Make iron Golems angry at Enemy team

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Nov 24, 2024
Hi, I am new to this forum.
I am currently working on a small Minecraft 1.21.1 bukkit pvp project.
I want to have an item that spawns 1 iron golem that attacks the nearest player from the enemy team.

I have already built a permission system.:
command /team <text>:
        if arg-1 is "red":
            set {team.%player%} to "red"
            execute console command "lp user %player% parent add team-rot"
            execute console command "lp user %player% parent remove team-blau"
            send "&cDu bist jetzt im Team Rot!" to player
        else if arg-1 is "blue":
            set {team.%player%} to "blue"
            execute console command "lp user %player% parent add team-blau"
            execute console command "lp user %player% parent remove team-rot"
            send "&9Du bist jetzt im Team Blau!" to player
            send "&7Nutze: /team <red/blue>" to player

i am also using the citizens2 plugin, so you could also create golems with it and give them the destination information. but i am not able to do it, i tried asking chat gpt for help but it didnt work.

Thanks !
im lazy so here take this and do what u want with it (not me getting progressively lazier) if I feel less lazy me make proper response

(u don't need addons for this)
set {_golem} to iron golem
summon {_golem}
set target of {_golem} to {_player} ignoring blocks (replace player with the player u want it to target)
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im lazy so here take this and do what u want with it (not me getting progressively lazier) if I feel less lazy me make proper response

(u don't need addons for this)
set {_golem} to iron golem
summon {_golem}
set target of {_golem} to {_player} ignoring blocks (replace player with the player u want it to target)
Thanks worked for me
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