
Addon Lusk 1.3.3

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Jake updated Lusk with a new update entry:

1.1.1 - Bug Fixes and Small Additions

"Small" update that fixes some bugs and adds new stuff because of it.

Bell Ring effect
Fake XP and/or Level effect
Used Tool expression, it's now lighter on the server as it no longer uses reflection
Version objects don't throw console errors anymore
fixed some toString() and getPropertyName() methods
Some expressions from allowing themselves to be changed when they shouldn't
The (event) dye color expression no longer crashes with other syntaxes


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Jake updated Lusk with a new update entry:

1.2 - Back on Track

## Back on Track:
This is the first update since May and I hope to bring more frequent updates, school and real life had been holding me back a bit but I think I've found a good balance to continue making Lusk better and better, expect more updates in the next months!
"Essentially, this is the best Lusk's ever been."
\- JakeGBLP


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Jake updated Lusk with a new update entry:

1.2.1 - Major Fixes

## ❗ Lusk 1.2.x includes Breaking Changes:
A lot of things have been removed in this update, mainly hardcoded stuff that i internally referred to as "aliases", this is because they are tough to maintain, i might add them back in the future but for now be on the lookout for errors, always test your code on a development server first.

⛏️ This Update:
Each addition is...

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Jake updated Lusk with a new update entry:

1.3-beta1 - 1.20.4 Fixes (and more) - INACCURATE TARGET

I'm releasing this as a beta just to provide Lusk support for servers using 1.20.4, this might include 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1 and 1.20, don't know, for sure but if this issue was there then it's most likely going to be fixed now.

This release's github target is not accurate due to me having 91 files to commit and in no time to do it, in this case releasing this is a bit more important than target changes accuracy, i'll try my best not to make this mistake again in the future since i've...

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Jake updated Lusk with a new update entry:

1.3.1 - Bug Fixes

Happy New Year everyone, this patch fixes a couple of issues, ensuring compatibility as promised by the previous release!

Read the full changelog here:

This Update:
Fixed incompatibility with skript 2.10 that was introduced in 2.10-pre1.
Patches the riptide effect causing issues.
Added the resurrect section event.


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Jake updated Lusk with a new update entry:

1.3.2 - Compatibility Fixes and Small Additions

This update adds small things, fixes some bugs and incompatibilities with pre 1.18.2 and pre 1.20.5.​


Since Lusk 1.3, all official releases of Lusk will only be available on Modrinth; Modrinth grants developers 75% of the ad revenue and this can REALLY help a ton when making updates!

Supported Versions:​

- Minecraft 1.16.5 -> 1.21.4+ (Spigot and Paper)

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