LuckPerms GUI Skript Error

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May 16, 2021
So I was making a LuckPerms gui skript to switch around ranks really fast but when I try to switch ranks it says: <none> is not a valid username/uuid. but for some reason my regular ranks work perfectly fine, but when I click on the Staff and Special ranks it gives me that message. Here is my code:
# Made By Dex

command /dexlp [<text="gui">] [<player>]:
    permission: dexlp.use
    permission message: &8[&eStar&9Dupe&8] &cNo Permission.
    aliases: /dextest
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                wait 1 tick
                open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&bLuck&3Perms &eGui" to player
                format gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 22 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with {frame} named "&0 "

                format gui slot 30 of player with oak sapling of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&2Tree" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    make player execute command "/lp tree"

                format gui slot 31 of player with enchanted golden apple named "&bHelp" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    send "&6&l(!) &7Skript Help can be found on the official &eSpigot &7Resource <tooltip:&6Click to open the &eSpigot &6Resource><link:>&6&nhere." to player
                format gui slot 32 of player with anvil of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&aEditor" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    make player execute command "/lp editor"

# Staff Ranks
            format gui slot 14 of player with netherite ingot of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&9Staff Ranks" to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&2Staff Ranks" to player
                format gui slot 0 of player with light blue dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&9Helper&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set helper"
                format gui slot 1 of player with lime dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&aMod&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set mod"
                format gui slot 2 of player with red dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&cAdmin&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set admin"
                format gui slot 3 of player with orange dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named  "&8[&bCo Owner&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set coowner"

                format gui slot 4 of player with pink dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&dOwner&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set owner"

# Special Ranks
            format gui slot 13 of player with emerald of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&dSpecial Ranks" to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&2Special Ranks &eMenu" to player

                format gui slot 0 of player with red dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&cMedia&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set yt"

                format gui slot 1 of player with cyan dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&bSkripter&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set skript"

# Regular Ranks
            format gui slot 12 of player with iron ingot of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&6Regular Ranks" to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&2Regular Ranks &eMenu" to player

                format gui slot 0 of player with light gray dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&7Default&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set default"

                format gui slot 1 of player with purple dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&5Basic&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set basic"

                format gui slot 2 of player with orange dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&6Legend&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set legend"

                format gui slot 3 of player with green dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&2Premium&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set premium"

                format gui slot 4 of player with light blue dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&bPrimal&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set primal"

                format gui slot 5 of player with black dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&6Custom&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set custom"

            if arg-2 is set:
                set {_e} to arg-2
                wait 1 tick
                open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&bLuck&3Perms &eMenu" to player
                wait 1 tick
                format gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 22 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with {frame} named "&0 "

                format gui slot 30 of player with oak sapling of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&2Tree" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    make player execute command "/lp tree . %{_e}%"

                format gui slot 31 of player with enchanted golden apple named "&bHelp" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    send "&6&l(!) &7Skript Help can be found on the official &eSpigot &7Resource <tooltip:&6Click to open the &eSpigot &6Resource><link:>&6&nhere." to player
                format gui slot 32 of player with anvil of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&aEditor" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    make player execute command "/lp editor"

# Arg-2 Regular Ranks
                format gui slot 12 of player with iron ingot of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&6Regular Ranks" to run:
                    open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&2Regular Ranks &eMenu" to player

                    format gui slot 0 of player with light gray dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&7Default&8]" to run:
                        make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set default"

                    format gui slot 1 of player with purple dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&5Basic&8]" to run:
                        make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set basic"

                    format gui slot 2 of player with orange dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&6Legend&8]" to run:
                        make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set legend"

                    format gui slot 3 of player with green dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&2Premium&8]" to run:
                        make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set premium"

                    format gui slot 4 of player with light blue dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&bPrimal&8]" to run:
                        make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set primal"

                    format gui slot 5 of player with beacon of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&6Custom&8]" to run:
                        make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set custom"

# Arg-2 Special Ranks
            format gui slot 13 of player with emerald of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&dSpecial Ranks" to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&2Special Ranks &eMenu" to player

                format gui slot 0 of player with red dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&cMedia&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set yt"

                format gui slot 1 of player with cyan dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&bSkripter&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set skript"

# Arg-2 Staff Ranks
            format gui slot 14 of player with netherite ingot of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&9Staff Ranks" to run:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&2Staff Ranks" to player
                format gui slot 0 of player with light blue dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&9Helper&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set helper"
                format gui slot 1 of player with lime dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&aMod&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set mod"
                format gui slot 2 of player with red dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&cAdmin&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set admin"
                format gui slot 3 of player with orange dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named  "&8[&bCo Owner&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set coowner"

                format gui slot 4 of player with pink dye of power 1 with hidden enchants named "&8[&dOwner&8]" to run:
                    make player execute command "/lp user %{_e}% parent set owner"
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