LuckPerms compatibility

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Mar 29, 2017
Hey, could someone add LuckPerms stuff in an addon? Something like loop all players in luckperms group "donor", or primary luckperms group of %player%, etc... Would be really useful!
I posted this in the discord, but here:

function luckGroup(g: string) :: players:
  loop all players:
    if loop-player has permission "group.%{_g}%":
      add loop-player to {_h::*}
  return {_h::*}
something to note is that this only works for online players (which i assume is what you want anyway) and ops will be shown as being in every group. I've never even used luckperms, I just figured out you could do this by reading the docs on their Github (which is something I wish other people would learn to do)...
You can use it like this
loop luckGroup("donor"):
set {_g::*} to luckGroup("donor")
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