Loops and format slor (GUI)

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Mar 20, 2017
Hi guys!

I'm trying to do that with a command, you can see the items that you set before, in this case I made a command in which you can save your items in a variable and I want that through a command, loop that variable and show saved items, could you help me? Thank you

        if text arg 1 is "managechestsitems":
            if size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} is not 0:
                set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 9:
                    open chest with 1 row named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 18:
                    open chest with 2 row named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 27:
                    open chest with 3 row named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 36:
                    open chest with 4 row named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 45:
                    open chest with 5 row named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-valuenamed "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 54:
                    open chest with 6 row named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0

console error:
[18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with "%loop-value%" named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"] (FortCraft!.sk, line 530: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with "%loop-value%" named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]') [18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no loop that matches 'loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove"' (FortCraft!.sk, line 537: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]') [18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no loop that matches 'loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove"' (FortCraft!.sk, line 544: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]') [18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no loop that matches 'loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove"' (FortCraft!.sk, line 551: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]') [18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no loop that matches 'loop-valuenamed "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove"' (FortCraft!.sk, line 558: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-valuenamed "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]') [18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no loop that matches 'loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove"' (FortCraft!.sk, line 565: format slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to close then run [make player execute command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"]') [18:13:13 ERROR]: [Skript] There is only one text argument in this command (FortCraft!.sk, line 572: if text arg 2 is set:')
Okay im using TusKe but i have errors.

        if text arg 1 is "managechestsitems":
            if size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} is not 0:
                set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 9:
                    open virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                        format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 18:
                    open virtual chest inventory with 2 rows named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                        format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 27:
                    open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                        format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 36:
                    open virtual chest inventory with 4 rows named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                        format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 45:
                    open virtual chest inventory with 5 rows named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                        format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                if  size of {FortCraft.chests.default::*} <= 54:
                    open virtual chest inventory with 6 rows named "&fFortCraft &6ItemList" to player
                    loop {FortCraft.chests.default::*}:
                        add 1 to {chestitems.itemsinslots}
                        format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"
                    set {chestitems.itemsinslots} to 0
                send "&6FortCraft&c&l>&6&l>&7 You need set the items first!, do &c/FortCraft addchestitems&7 for set the items &8(You need have items in your inventory)"

Console error:

[21:03:43 ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"' (FortCraft!.sk, line 531: format gui slot {chestitems.itemsinslots} of player with loop-value named "&9" with the lore "&9%loop-value% || &6Clic here to &cRemove" to run console command "/Fortcraft removeitem %loop-value%"') #This continues like this with all the format slots that I placed
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