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New Member
Dec 6, 2022
Put the folder inside the .zip file in the folder scripts.
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.12.2

Addons: SkRayFall, SkBee

For legacy servers [-1.12.2] use the version of SkBee found in the .zip file
For some problem contact me on discord. Discord id: An0nym0us#0221

LobbyBlocks is a simple script that adds blocks to the player’s inventory. The player can use these blocks to build and play in the server’s lobby/hub.


/lobbyblocks < reload | help >
/lb < reload | help >

# LobbyBlocks


    reload: "&d&l[&5&lLB&d&l] &8» &eLobbyBlocks restarting..."
    reloadCoomplete1: "&d&l[&5&lLB&d&l] &8» &eLobbyBlocks reload complete"
    reloadCoomplete2: "&d&l[&5&lLB&d&l] &8» &eFor apply the changes quit and rejoin from the server"
    reloadCoomplete3: "&d&l[&5&lLB&d&l] &8» &eTo view the logs go to the console"

    help1: "&d&l-----------------&r&d&l[&5&lLB&d&l]&d&l-----------------"
    help2: "&5* &dAuthor &8» &eitzParasite"
    help3: "&5* &dVersion &8» &e1.0"
    help4: "&5* &dSkript Version &8» &e2.6.4"
    help5: "&5* &dSkript Addons &8» &eSkRayFall, SkBee &o{all version}"
    help6: "&d&l-----------------&r&d&l[&5&lLB&d&l]&d&l-----------------"

    # A- = animated item, F- = item with custom name and lore, A-F- = animated item with custom name and lore

    lobbyWorld: "world" # Multiverse-Core

    blockSelectorSlot: 4 # for apply the changes quit from the server and rejoin
    blockSlot: 8 # for apply the changes quit from the server and rejoin

    blockselector: chest named "&aBlock Selector"
    F-blockselector: chest named "&aBlock Selector" with lore "" and "&c1 &7= &cWool" and "&c2 &7= &cSandstone" and "&c3 &7= &cRed Sandstone" and "&c4 &7= &cObsidian" and "" and "&aRight-Click to open Block Selector" and "&7Block Selected: &e%{blockSelected.%player%}%"

    wool: white wool named "&eWool"
    sandstone: sandstone named "&eSandstone"
    redsandstone: red sandstone named "&eRed Sandstone"
    obsidian: obsidian named "&eObsidian"

    A-wool: shiny white wool named "&eWool"
    A-sandstone: shiny sandstone named "&eSandstone"
    A-redsandstone: shiny red sandstone named "&eRed Sandstone"
    A-obsidian: shiny obsidian named "&eObsidian"

    # Full Item

    F-wool: white wool named "&eWool" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"
    F-sandstone: sandstone named "&eSandstone" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"
    F-redsandstone: red sandstone named "&eRed Sandstone" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"
    F-obsidian: obsidian named "&eObsidian" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"

    F-A-wool: shiny white wool named "&eWool" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"
    F-A-sandstone: shiny sandstone named "&eSandstone" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"
    F-A-redsandstone: shiny red sandstone named "&eRed Sandstone" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"
    F-A-obsidian: shiny obsidian named "&eObsidian" with lore "" and "&aRight-Click to select"