Solved List of all items/mobs/advancements

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Aug 18, 2023
I want to code a challenge where the player has to collect all items, kill all mobs and get all advancements. Is there a list of all mobs implemented in script that I can use so I don't have to set it all by custom?
Dont think advancements are implemented as a type but you could probably get a list put it in a line and just split it.
You can parse advancements with skbee so you could just parse them later
loop all entity types:
    send loop-value
loop all items:
    send loop-value

For the rest you can just loop them or check if a list has all of them.
So yeah you dont have to set them all custom. You would have to exclude custom as I dont think you can gat a barrier or command block in the latest minecraft version
Dont think advancements are implemented as a type but you could probably get a list put it in a line and just split it.
You can parse advancements with skbee so you could just parse them later
loop all entity types:
    send loop-value
loop all items:
    send loop-value

For the rest you can just loop them or check if a list has all of them.
So yeah you dont have to set them all custom. You would have to exclude custom as I dont think you can gat a barrier or command block in the latest minecraft version
OMG Thank you so much!