Linking Lightning to player

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New Member
Jun 22, 2018
So I made a skript where players with the permission "kb.thor" can right click with a golden axe and it strikes lighting at where they're looking. However, I would like to give them money when they kill players with that ability. Is there a way to link the attacker to that lightning?
on right click on golden axe:
    if player has permission "kb.thor":
        set {linked::%player%} to true
        wait 10 ticks
        set {linked::%player%} to false
on death of player:
    if {linked::%attacker%} = true:
       add 10 to balance of attacker
on right click on golden axe:
    if player has permission "kb.thor":
        set {linked::%player%} to true
        wait 10 ticks
        set {linked::%player%} to false
on death of player:
    if {linked::%attacker%} = true:
       add 10 to balance of attacker
I don’t see how that would work, since the player doesn’t directly attack a player when it dies, it strikes lightning at the other player, so there’s not an attacker
Can you send your current Skript?
I don’t have access to it right now but it goes like this
#Thor Section
on right click:
  if player’s tool is a golden axe:
    strike lightning at the targeted block
#Kill Section
on death:
  if attacker is a player:
    if victim is a player:
      add 10 to attacker’s account
this probably is the BEST way to hand this, but this works.
A problem here would be, is if multiple players were doing this same action at the same time
on right click:
    if player's tool is a golden axe:
        if player has permission "kb.thor":
            set {linked::attacker} to player
            strike lightning at targeted block
            wait 1 second
            delete {linked::attacker}

on death of player:
    if {linked::attacker} is set:
        add 10 to balance of {linked::attacker}
on right click on golden axe:
    if player has permission "kb.thor":
        set {linked::%player%} to true
        wait 10 ticks
        set {linked::%player%} to false
on death of player:
    if {linked::%attacker%} = true:
       add 10 to balance of attacker
I like this one. However, I think when players die, it would trigger this. So, let’s say a Thor Player strikes lightning to someone, and then a completely different player dies from lava, it would count as their kill, since a player died while they were set as linked. I think I’m better off changing Thor’s behavior completely, so it strikes lightning when they actually hit a player.
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