lifesteal sort of skript help

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New Member
Aug 11, 2024
Hello i have a smp and i have an idea for it could anyone make it into a skript: the idea is:

Its lives (not hearts so basically how many times you can respawn)

Every player starts with 3

When you run out you get banned

Dying looses a life

Lives are withdrawable

When killing another player you are given one of their lives

With 3 lives you can craft a reviver to revive players they spawn back on one heart

Maxium life capacity is 5 if you kill a player and you are over the max it will go into your inventory or drop on the ground if your inventory is full

Lives dont grant a debuff

Upon Killing a player/dying it makes a actionbar title either saying "&2+1 Life" or "&c-1 Life"

They are craftable with 3 netherite ingots 2 stacks of xp bottles and 4 diamond blocks

A command too show your lives and other players lives by doing /lives "player name"
Hello i have a smp and i have an idea for it could anyone make it into a skript: the idea is:

Its lives (not hearts so basically how many times you can respawn)

Every player starts with 3

When you run out you get banned

Dying looses a life

Lives are withdrawable

When killing another player you are given one of their lives

With 3 lives you can craft a reviver to revive players they spawn back on one heart

Maxium life capacity is 5 if you kill a player and you are over the max it will go into your inventory or drop on the ground if your inventory is full

Lives dont grant a debuff

Upon Killing a player/dying it makes a actionbar title either saying "&2+1 Life" or "&c-1 Life"

They are craftable with 3 netherite ingots 2 stacks of xp bottles and 4 diamond blocks

A command too show your lives and other players lives by doing /lives "player name"
Just use a lives plugin
Hi, can you add me on discord so I can get more information about this, without waiting for response in here?
my discord: danrub