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Oct 2, 2017
Category: Weapon

Suggested name: anything

What I want:
I have just begun learning Skript and while i now know the very basics im a long way from doing some of the complicated scripts you guys do :emoji_slight_smile:

I've been trying to create a Lasso (lead) that would pull enemies (mobs and/or players) to the attackers location when right clicked with a cooldown of about 1-2 mins, the problem im having is how do i pull a player towards me who are out of arms reach, ive searched the forums and the web but I have not found anything thats worked for me so far

any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Ideas for commands: -

Ideas for permissions: -

When I'd like it by: anytime,
thanks for the reply, i managed to figure it out for myself but only on targeted mobs, i was originally trying to get all entities within a radius to be pulled into the player on right click

On rightclick:
    if name of held item of player is "<cyan><b>M<light blue><b>ystic <cyan><b>W<light blue><b>hip":
        if distance between the player and the targeted entity is smaller than 10:
            set {_waited} to difference between {mysticwhip.%player%.lastused} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 15 seconds:
                message "&cmessage You have to wait %difference between 15 seconds and {_waited}% before you can use this command again!"
            set {_whip-particle-location} to the location 1 meters in front of targeted entity's head
            show 3000 redstone particles at {_whip-particle-location} with color 255, 0, 255
            teleport the targeted entity 0.5 meters horizontally infront of the player
            play ENTITY ENDERDRAGON GROWL at player with pitch 2
            set {_whip-particle-location} to the location 1 meters in front of player's head
            show 3000 redstone particles at {_whip-particle-location} with color 255, 0, 255
            set {mysticwhip.%player%.lastused} to now
            message "&bYou're too far away from the target"