Solved Kits claiming interfering with totems?

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Sep 3, 2022
Explanation of what the skript should do:
- Every time someone buys something using buycraft, a permission of the set is assigned to the player.
- If a player has a permission, he can do "/kits" and then auto fill his bought kit/s.
- Only the one he bought will be displayed and working when claiming.
- Also, depending on which kit a player bought, he will either get 10, 20 or 30 totems.

Now the problem: If a player buys 2 kits, for example Kit "Bread" and kit "Apple", while "Apple" includes 10 and "Bread" includes 20 totems and he claims "Bread" using "/kits Bread", he will get the 20 totems from bread + the 10 totems from "Apple", as he has the permission "" and "kits.permission.bread".

How can I get it working that it only gives the totems of the kit the player is actually claiming? Here's my code:
command /kits <text>:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim this kit again!"
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player

            if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"
            if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
on tab complete of "/kits":
    player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu"
    add "Zenitsu" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka"
    add "Tomioka" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri"
    add "Mitsuri" to tab completions
You are using 'if' every time, but need 'else if'
command /kits <text>:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim this kit again!"
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player 
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player
on tab complete of "/kits":
    player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu"
    add "Zenitsu" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka"
    add "Tomioka" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri"
    add "Mitsuri" to tab completions
You are using 'if' every time, but need 'else if'
command /kits <text>:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim this kit again!"
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player
on tab complete of "/kits":
    player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu"
    add "Zenitsu" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka"
    add "Tomioka" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri"
    add "Mitsuri" to tab completions
You are using 'if' every time, but need 'else if'
command /kits <text>:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim this kit again!"
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player
on tab complete of "/kits":
    player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu"
    add "Zenitsu" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka"
    add "Tomioka" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri"
    add "Mitsuri" to tab completions
You are using 'if' every time, but need 'else if'
command /kits <text>:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim this kit again!"
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player
on tab complete of "/kits":
    player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu"
    add "Zenitsu" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka"
    add "Tomioka" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri"
    add "Mitsuri" to tab completions
NVM, just tried it rn and it doesnt work, just just giving me 10 totems every time, no matter which kit I choose, even tho i have all 3 perms...

here's the code:
command /kits <text>:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: &e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim a kit again!
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
                execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player
            if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
                send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player
on tab complete of "/kits":
    player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu"
    add "Zenitsu" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka"
    add "Tomioka" to tab completions
    player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri"
    add "Mitsuri" to tab completions
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Reactions: lotzy
Put check of 'totem giver' code inside kit condition
And set check permissions of totems in describe order, because when player have "zenitsu" permission, "tomioka" and "mitsuri" never executed, idk

command /kits [<text>]:
    executable by: players
    permission: kits.permission.skript
    permission message: "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to use /kits!"
    cooldown: 20 seconds
    cooldown message: &e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou have to wait %remaining time% until you can claim a kit again!
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4Usage: /kits <NameOfKit>" to player
        else if player has permission "kits.permission.%arg-1%":
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Sword %player% 1"
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Axe %player% 1"
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Pickaxe %player% 1"
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Helmet %player% 1"
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Chestplate %player% 1"
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Leggings %player% 1"
            execute console command "/ie give %arg-1%Boots %player% 1"
            if player has permission "kits.permission.mitsuri":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 30"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.tomioka":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 20"
            else if player has permission "kits.permission.zenitsu":
                execute console command "/give %player% totem_of_undying 10"

            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou succesfully received the %arg-1%-Kit!" to player
            send "&e&l[Kit Bot]: &4&lYou do not have the permission to claim this kit!" to player
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