Solved Just why did you that ? (Blocks)

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Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
For creator of Skript:
Why did you change all names of minecraft blocks in %block% ?

I'm creating a way to be mobs with Skript, now I'm creating enderman abilities to players use.
The ability of take blocks of world and place it again shouldn't be hard, but the names of blocks in Skript doesn't matches with vanilla names, as all plugins usually keep equal.

stone block
dirt block
sand block
raw diorite
raw andesite
raw granite

This sucks, because I need to change the block in mainhand of enderman disguise using lib's disguises, wich use vanilla original names, and Skript doesn't. I don't know what blocks have original name, so, I have to test all blocks to do my code correctly. If someone knows how to use vanilla block name in Skript, tell me please.
Example of my code:
on left click:
    if {mode.control.%player%} is "true":
        if {mode.control.ismob.%player%} is "CM:Enderman":
            if player's tool is air:
                if player's current hotbar slot is 0:
                    if player is sneaking:
                        cancel event
                        set {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%} to player's targeted block
                        set slot 0 of player to {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}
                        set {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%} to "%{mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}%"

                        if {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%} isn't "sand block" or "dirt block" or "stone block":
                            replace all " " with "_" in {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}
                        if {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%} is "raw_granite" or "raw_diorite" or "raw_andesite":
                            replace all "raw_" with "" in {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}

                        broadcast {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}
                        make console execute command "disguisemodifyplayer %player% setItemInMainHand %{mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}%"
                        set targeted block of player to air
                        delete {mode.control.targetedblock.%player%}
Dirt isn't just dirt. Dirt can be an item, an emotion, a block, a feeling you encounter when playing in it. Dirt is course and it gets everywhere. It is dark, it can be wet and would be called mud. As a kid, I used to play in dirt but we don't do that anymore. We grow and forget the simple things in life. Playing in dirt again would be nice. Being a kid once again and enjoying things like dirt would be beautiful. Making dirt cakes and being sad when no one wants to eat it, throwing dirt at other people you don't like, just digging your hands into dirt and searching for living things. Dirt isn't just a block. Dirt is more. It is everything.
Dirt isn't just dirt. Dirt can be an item, an emotion, a block, a feeling you encounter when playing in it. Dirt is course and it gets everywhere. It is dark, it can be wet and would be called mud. As a kid, I used to play in dirt but we don't do that anymore. We grow and forget the simple things in life. Playing in dirt again would be nice. Being a kid once again and enjoying things like dirt would be beautiful. Making dirt cakes and being sad when no one wants to eat it, throwing dirt at other people you don't like, just digging your hands into dirt and searching for living things. Dirt isn't just a block. Dirt is more. It is everything.
LOL, we have a poet here.
[doublepost=1601047719,1601047528][/doublepost]Taking advantage of this post, why I can't set lava bucket to a slot of player ?
    if {mode.control.%player%} is "true":

        #---------------------ENDERMAN BLOCK PICKUP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
        if {mode.control.ismob.%player%} is "CM:Enderman":
            if player's tool is air:
                if player's current hotbar slot is 0:
                    if player is sneaking:
                        cancel event
                        set slot 0 of player to lava bucket

I have changed "set slot 0 of player to lava bucket" to "add 1 lava bucket to slot 0 of player"
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