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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Well, I'm making a minigames server and I'm willing to do that system when a player steps on a slime. It's played only forward. I do not want the player to be pushed to the right, left, or back side, but to the front desk, like the HYPIXEL, in the skywars lobby (the old lobby) has a plate place on the right and left side and I wanted it that way. Also if someone help me do it for me with a speed system, please.
on step on slimeblock:
    push player forwards with speed 5
If you want that you cant even go to the right or left that it just goes forward you might need to use ToolAPI's make player look to east
or make the player ride a invisible saddled pig and when the push stops kill the pig

i think you need skript like this.
This might not work, because i can´t test skripts atm

on step on 165:
  set {_pushing} to 1
  push player upwards at speed 2
  push player forwards at speed 5
  wait 1 tick
  make player ride a saddled pig
  set {_push} to last spawned pig 
  push {_push} upwards at speed 2
  push {_push} forwards at speed 5
  wait 10 ticks
  kill {_push}
  wait 1 second
  delete {_push}
  set {_pushing} to 0

on vehicle exit:
  if {_pushing} = 1:
    cancel event


For this problem to be solved, I need at least to have those particles equal to the hypixel in the Slime where the player is played to the npc.
For this problem to be solved, I need at least to have those particles equal to the hypixel in the Slime where the player is played to the npc.
are you incapable of doing anything yourself? if you aren't going to put in any work then use the requests section
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