Issue Checking Loop Blocks

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
It's been a while since I've done anything with Skript and I've had this 3x3 mining skript that I made a post about a long time ago, basically in 1.12 it works flawlessly but after recently updating to 1.14.4 Paper Spigot and correctly updating all of my addons to the latest versions (Bensku Skript, Skellet, SkNBeeT, SkQuery, SkRayfall, Tablisknu, SkUtilities, & Skript Mirror) it completely ignores the if statement that allows for whitelisting certain blocks from being mined. Keep in mind there are no errors in console or while executing the events, and theoretically the code is solid, but after being away for so long I may be behind on syntaxing and such, any help is appreciated.

# 3x3 Mining
on mine:
    player's held item is any pickaxe:
        set {_1} to location of event-block
        set {_2} to location of event-block
        if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
            add 1 to y-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
            if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
                add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    if loop-block is not bedrock, or lava, or water, or coal ore, or iron ore, or gold ore, or lapis ore, or redstone ore, or diamond ore, or emerald ore, or quartz ore, or obsidian, or spawner:
                        break loop-block using player's tool
            else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
                add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    if loop-block is not bedrock, or lava, or water, or coal ore, or iron ore, or gold ore, or lapis ore, or redstone ore, or diamond ore, or emerald ore, or quartz ore, or obsidian, or spawner:
                        break loop-block using player's tool
            add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
            add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
            subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                if loop-block is not bedrock, or lava, or water, or coal ore, or iron ore, or gold ore, or lapis ore, or redstone ore, or diamond ore, or emerald ore, or quartz ore, or obsidian, or spawner:
                    break loop-block using player's tool
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