Is this possible?

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Aug 4, 2024
im wondering with this blockshuffle plugin here, if it's possible to make skript execute the commands i need when the game ends before the 20 minute timer i have in this skript below (i used chatgpt for most of it since im new to skript)

i don't want people waiting 20 minutes for the game to end, i want that process to be skipped to:
execute console command "blockshuffle reset"

here's the skript:

{timer::waiting} = 0
{timer::game} = 0
{players::joined} = 0

on join:
add 1 to {players::joined}
if {players::joined} is 2:
set {timer::waiting} to 60
broadcast "Waiting for more players to join! 60 seconds remaining..."
wait 1 second
while {timer::waiting} is not 0:
wait 1 second
subtract 1 from {timer::waiting}
if {timer::waiting} is 30:
broadcast "%{timer::waiting}% seconds remaining for players to join!"
if {timer::waiting} is 10:
broadcast "%{timer::waiting}% seconds remaining for players to join!"
execute console command "mvcreate blockshuffle world"
wait 10 seconds
teleport player to location(0, 100, 0, world "blockshuffle")
wait 1 second
execute console command "blockshuffle start"
teleport all players to location(3299, 66, 324, world "blockshuffle")
execute console command "blockshuffle start"
set {timer::game} to 1200
while {timer::game} is not 0:
wait 1 second
subtract 1 from {timer::game}
if {timer::game} is 600:
broadcast "10 minutes remaining!"
if {timer::game} is 300:
broadcast "5 minutes remaining!"
if {timer::game} is 180:
broadcast "3 minutes remaining!"
if {timer::game} is 60:
broadcast "1 minute remaining!"
if {timer::game} is 10:
broadcast "10 seconds!"
if {timer::game} is 30:
broadcast "10 seconds remaining!"
execute console command "blockshuffle reset"
teleport all players to location(3299, 66, 324, world "world")
execute console command "mvdelete blockshuffle"
wait 1 second
execute console command "mv confirm"
set {players::joined} to 0

on join:
if {timer::waiting} is greater than 0:
teleport player to location(3299, 66, 324, world "blockshuffle")
set the gamemode of player to spectator

on quit:
subtract 1 from {players::joined}

please help me, or even create something that solves it, or even improve the skript! i just need what i asked for at the top tho.
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