Is there anyway better to do this?

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Mar 12, 2020
Here's all my code. It's for a custom sign shop.
on rightclick on sign:
    if {sign.%player%} is "true":
        if {%2nd line of event-block%} is not set:
            set {%2nd line of event-block%} to 2nd line of event-block
            set {%2nd line of event-block%} to 2nd line of event-block
            add "%{%2nd line of event-block%}%" to {shop.signs::*}
            set {%2nd line of event-block%.location} to location of event-block
            set {%2nd line of event-block%.high} to 3rd line of event-block parsed as number
            set {%2nd line of event-block%.low} to 4th line of event-block parsed as number
            set {%2nd line of event-block%.amount} to 1st line of event-block
            set {%2nd line of event-block%.price} to random number between {%2nd line of event-block%.low} and {%2nd line of event-block%.high}
            wait 1 tick
            set 1st line of event-block to "Admin Shop"
            set 4th line of event-block to "%{%2nd line of event-block%}%"
            if player's tool is green wool:
                set 3rd line of event-block to "B %{%2nd line of event-block%.price}%"
                set {%2nd line of} to "buy"
            if player's tool is red wool:
                set 3rd line of event-block to "S %{%2nd line of event-block%.price}%"
                set {%2nd line of} to "sell"

            set 2nd line of event-block to "%{%2nd line of event-block%.amount}%"
            clear {%2nd line of event-block%}
        if {%2nd line of event-block%} is set:
            if {%2nd line of event-block%.1} is not set:
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.1} to 2nd line of event-block
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.1} to 2nd line of event-block
                add "%{%2nd line of event-block%.1}%" to {shop.signs::*}
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.location.1} to location of event-block
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.high.1} to 3rd line of event-block parsed as number
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.low.1} to 4th line of event-block parsed as number
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.amount.1} to 1st line of event-block
                set {%2nd line of event-block%.price.1} to random number between {%2nd line of event-block%.low.1} and {%2nd line of event-block%.high.1}
                wait 1 tick
                set 1st line of event-block to "Admin Shop"
                set 4th line of event-block to "%{%2nd line of event-block%.1}%"
                if player's tool is green wool:
                    set 3rd line of event-block to "B %{%2nd line of event-block%.price.1}%"
                    set {%2nd line of} to "buy"
                if player's tool is red wool:
                    set 3rd line of event-block to "S %{%2nd line of event-block%.price.1}%"
                    set {%2nd line of} to "sell"

                if {%2nd line of event-block%.1} is set:
                    if {%2nd line of event-block%.2} is not set:
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.2} to 2nd line of event-block
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.2} to 2nd line of event-block
                        add "%{%2nd line of event-block%.2}%" to {shop.signs::*}
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.location.2} to location of event-block
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.high.2} to 3rd line of event-block parsed as number
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.low.2} to 4th line of event-block parsed as number
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.amount.2} to 1st line of event-block
                        set {%2nd line of event-block%.price.2} to random number between {%2nd line of event-block%.low.2} and {%2nd line of event-block%.high.2}
                        wait 1 tick
                        set 1st line of event-block to "Admin Shop"
                        set 4th line of event-block to "%{%2nd line of event-block%.2}%"
                        if player's tool is green wool:
                            set 3rd line of event-block to "B %{%2nd line of event-block%.price.2}%"
                            set {%2nd line of} to "buy"
                        if player's tool is red wool:
                            set 3rd line of event-block to "S %{%2nd line of event-block%.price.2}%"
                            set {%2nd line of} to "sell"

Is there any way i can search for an existing variable and then make the number +1 of what it is? you can se the slow way I've done it for now
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