Solved Is there a way to break stone with fortune and get the fortune blocks?

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New Member
Aug 26, 2021
Yo mums house
I got a box server on minehut and I would like to know if I can apply fortune to stone. I have absolutely no idea how someone would do this soo yeah. :emoji_slight_smile:
on break of stone:
    if tool of player is enchanted with fortune:
        cancel drops
        set {_amount} to 1
        if level of fortune of player's tool is 1:
            chance of 33%:
                set {_amount} to 2
        if level of fortune of player's tool is 2:
            chance of 25%:
                set {_amount} to 2
            chance of 25%:
                set {_amount} to 3
        if level of fortune of player's tool is 3:
            chance of 20%:
                set {_amount} to 2
            chance of 20%:
                set {_amount} to 3
            chance of 20%:
                set {_amount} to 4
        drop {_amount} of stone at event-block
on break of stone:
    if tool of player is enchanted with fortune:
        cancel drops
        set {_amount} to 1
        if level of fortune of player's tool is 1:
            chance of 33%:
                set {_amount} to 2
        if level of fortune of player's tool is 2:
            chance of 25%:
                set {_amount} to 2
            chance of 25%:
                set {_amount} to 3
        if level of fortune of player's tool is 3:
            chance of 20%:
                set {_amount} to 2
            chance of 20%:
                set {_amount} to 3
            chance of 20%:
                set {_amount} to 4
        drop {_amount} of stone at event-block

That's a bit excessive and I would say there is a better way, but 0 spoonfeeding today from my side.
This is the simplest way I could think of while still using the normal minecraft drop values:
on break of stone:
    if player's gamemode is survival:
        cancel drops
        set {_drops} to level of fortune of player's tool
        give player {_drops} of cobblestone

or if u want random drops

on break of stone:
    if player's gamemode is survival:
        set {_f} to level of fortune of player's tool
        set {_l} to {_f} + 1
        set {_drops} to random integer between 1 and {_l}
        give {_drops} of cobblestone to player
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