Irregular Expressions
by TenFont
by TenFont
Irregular Expressions are code snippets that I created by utilizing RegEx (Regular expressions). Credit is given where credit is due.
1 Floor Timespan
A simple function to round down a timespan, eliminating all decimals.
function floorTimespan(time: timespan) :: timespan:
set {_s} to join (regex split "%{_time}%" at ".\d+")
return {_s} parsed as timespan
set {_a} to "2 minutes and 37.49 seconds" parsed as timespan
broadcast floorTimespan({_a})
# output: 2 minutes and 37 seconds
2 Split String At Every N Characters
Efficiently splits a string at every N characters.
function splitAt(str: string, n: integer) :: strings:
if {_n} > 0:
return regex split {_str} at "(?<=\G.{%{_n}%})"
return {_str}
broadcast splitAt("ABCDEFG", 2)
# output: AB, CD, EF and G
3 Format A Number With Commas
Format a number with commas, making it more readable. Also accepts decimals.
function formatNumber(x: num) :: string:
set {_x::*} to split "%{_x}%" at "."
set {_x::1} to (join (regex split {_x::1} at "(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))") by ",")
return join {_x::*} by "."
broadcast formatNumber(10000000.389)
# output: 10,000,000.39
You can find all of my updated snippets at:
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