A virtual kinetic intelligence armor stand;
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
- Walk
- No walk trough blocks
- Can go up- downstair
every 10 ticks:
loop all armor stands:
if loop-entity's name contains "IKI":
set {IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%} to "%loop-entity's name%"
replace all "IKI\" with "" in {IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}
add "1" and "2" to {_d::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%::*}
set {_d::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to a random element out of {_d::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%::*}
set {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of loop-entity
if block in front of loop-entity's head is air:
add "x" and "z" to {_di::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%::*}
set {_di::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to a random element out of {_di::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%::*}
if {_di::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is "x":
set {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of loop-entity
if {_d::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is "1":
add "{Rotation:[90f,90f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add -1 to x-coordinate of {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
add "{Rotation:[-90f,-90f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add 1 to x-coordinate of {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
if block at {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
set {_l2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of block above {_l::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
if block at {_l2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is air:
set {_l3::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of block above {_l2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
if block at {_l3::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_l2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
else if {_di::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is "z":
set {_lz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of loop-entity
if {_dz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is "1":
add "{Rotation:[0f,0f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add -1 to z-coordinate of {_lz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
add "{Rotation:[360f,360f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add 1 to z-coordinate of {_lz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
if block at {_lz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_lz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
set {_lz2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of block above {_lz::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
if block at {_lz2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is air:
set {_lz3::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} to location of block above {_lz2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
if block at {_lz3::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_lz2::%{IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%}%}
on right click:
if target block is not air:
if distance between target block and player is less than 5:
if player's tool is armor stand:
if name of player's tool is "§bKinetic Intelligence":
if lore of player's tool contains "1":
cancel event
set {_location} to location of event-block
spawn armor stand at location 1 above {_location}
set {_skull} to "%player's name%" parsed as offline player
add "{Invisible:0,Invulnerable:0,ShowArms:1,Small:0,NoBasePlate:1,NoGravity:0,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],Pose:{Head:[0f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned armor stand
set last spawned armor stand's helmet to {_skull}'s skull
set last spawned armor stand's tool to diamond pickaxe
set last spawned armor stand's chestplate to diamond chestplate
set last spawned armor stand's leggings to diamond leggings
set last spawned armor stand's boots to diamond boots
set {_KIID} to "%random integer between 10 and 99%\%random integer between 100 and 999%\%random integer between 10 and 99%\%random integer between 0 and 9%"
set last spawned armor stand's name to "IKI\%{_KIID}%"
send "§bInteractive Kinetic Intelligence §7placed."
cancel event
set {_location} to location of event-block
spawn armor stand at location 1 above {_location}
set {_skull} to "%player's name%" parsed as offline player
add "{Invisible:0,Invulnerable:0,ShowArms:1,Small:0,NoBasePlate:1,NoGravity:0,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],Pose:{Head:[0f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned armor stand
set last spawned armor stand's helmet to {_skull}'s skull
set last spawned armor stand's tool to diamond pickaxe
set last spawned armor stand's chestplate to diamond chestplate
set last spawned armor stand's leggings to diamond leggings
set last spawned armor stand's boots to diamond boots
set {_KIID} to "%random integer between 10 and 99%\%random integer between 100 and 999%\%random integer between 10 and 99%\%random integer between 0 and 9%"
set last spawned armor stand's name to "KI\%{_KIID}%"
send "§bKinetic Intelligence §7placed."
command kinetic [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: kinetic.*
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is "info":
loop all armor stands:
if loop-entity's name contains "KI\":
send "%loop-entity's name%: %direction of loop-entity%"
send "%loop-entity's name%: %facing of loop-entity%"
send "%loop-entity's name%: %loop-entity's location%"
send "%loop-entity's name%: %loop-entity's target block%"
send "%loop-entity's name%: %block in front of loop-entity%"
send "%loop-entity's name%: %block facing of loop-entity%"
else if arg-1 is "rotate":
if arg-2 is "0", "-30", "30", "-60", "60", "-90", "90", "180" or "360":
loop all armor stands:
if loop-entity's name contains "KI\":
add "{Rotation:[%arg-2%f,%arg-2%f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
else if arg-1 is "walkx":
loop all armor stands:
if loop-entity's name contains "KI\":
add "1" and "2" to {_d::*}
set {_d} to a random element out of {_d::*}
set {_b} to a random integer between 10 and 100
loop {_b} times:
set {_l} to location of loop-entity
if block in front of loop-entity's head is air:
wait 3 ticks
add "{Rotation:[-90f,-90f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add "t" and "f" to {_x::*}
set {_x} to a random element out of {_x::*}
if {_x} is "t":
set {_l} to location of loop-entity
if {_d} is "1":
add "{Rotation:[90f,90f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add -1 to x-coordinate of {_l}
add "{Rotation:[-90f,-90f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add 1 to x-coordinate of {_l}
if block at {_l} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_l}
set {_l2} to location of block above {_l}
if block at {_l2} is air:
set {_l3} to location of block above {_l2}
if block at {_l3} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_l2}
else if arg-1 is "walkz":
loop all armor stands:
if loop-entity's name contains "KI\":
add "1" and "2" to {_d::*}
set {_d} to a random element out of {_d::*}
set {_b} to a random integer between 10 and 100
loop {_b} times:
set {_l} to location of loop-entity
if block in front of loop-entity's head is air:
wait 3 ticks
add "{Rotation:[180f,180f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add "t" and "f" to {_z::*}
set {_z} to a random element out of {_z::*}
if {_z} is "t":
if {_d} is "1":
add "{Rotation:[360f,360f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add -1 to z-coordinate of {_l}
add "{Rotation:[180f,180f]}" to nbt of loop-entity
add 1 to z-coordinate of {_l}
if block at {_l} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_l}
set {_l2} to location of block above {_l}
if block at {_l2} is air:
set {_l3} to location of block above {_l2}
if block at {_l3} is air:
teleport loop-entity to {_l2}
open chest with 1 row named "Kinetic" to player
wait a tick
set slot 0 of current inventory of player to armor stand with hidden enchantment named "§bKinetic Intelligence" with lore "§7Version: §b0"
set slot 1 of current inventory of player to armor stand with hidden enchantment named "§bKinetic Intelligence" with lore "§7Version: §b1"