command /tempban [<Offlineplayer>] [<Text>] [<Text>]:
if player has permission "{tempban.blockmcadmin}":
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
set {banned.%arg 1%} to true
set {ban.time.%arg 1%} to now
set {ban.reason.%arg 1%} to argument-3
set {ban.expire.%arg 1%} to argument-2
set {ban.bannedby.%arg 1%} to player
set {BanIP.%arg 1%} to "False"
kick arg 1 due to "&7Banned for &c%arg 2% &7by &c%player%"
ban arg 1 due to "&7Banned for &c%arg 2% &7by &c%player%"
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &a&l====== Kitiltás ======" to all players
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &6%arg-1% &eki lett tilva &6%player% &eáltal." to all players
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &eIndok: &6%arg-3%" to all players
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &eIdő: &6%arg-2%" to all players
send "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &a/Ban <Játékos> <Idő> <Indok>"
send "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &a/Ban <Játékos> <Idő> <Indok>"
send "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &aNincs jogusultságod ehez!"
When I reload the skript gives me 3 errors and I don't know how to fix it: (Sorry for the language of the messages, It means you were banned by %player%)
Indentation Error: Expected 5 tab, but found 20 spaces
(, line 132:
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &6%arg-1% &eki lett tilva &6%player% &eáltal." to all players
Indentation Error: Expected 5 tab, but found 20 spaces
(, line 133:
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &6%arg-1% &eki lett tilva &6%player% &eáltal." to all players
Indentation Error: Expected 5 tab, but found 20 spaces
(, line 134:
message "&7[&cBlockMC Admin&7] &6%arg-1% &eki lett tilva &6%player% &eáltal." to all players