[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's aliases can be found here: https://github.com/SkriptLang/skript-aliases
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's documentation can be found here: https://docs.skriptlang.org/
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's tutorials can be found here: https://docs.skriptlang.org/tutorials
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Server Version: git-Paper-381 (MC: 1.20.4)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript Version: 2.9.2-nightly-0ece0ee (skriptlang-nightly)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Installed Skript Addons:
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skript-placeholders v1.5.2 (https://github.com/APickledWalrus/skript-placeholders)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - Skellett v2.0.9 (https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skellett.24/)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - HQGiftBoxSK v1.0.0
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skUtilities v0.9.2 (https://tim740.github.io/)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skript-reflect v2.5.1 (https://github.com/SkriptLang/skript-reflect)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - CoroutineSK v1.0.1
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skRayFall v1.9.28 (https://sk.rayfall.net/)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - SkQuery v4.1.10
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - SkBee v3.4.3 (https://github.com/ShaneBeee/SkBee)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - ItemsAdder v3.6.3-beta-12 (devs.beer)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Installed dependencies:
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - SQLibrary v7.1
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - Vault v1.7.3-b131
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - WorldGuard v7.0.9+5934e49
I added the 'SQLibrary' plug-in and set 'config.sk ' as stated in 'config.sk ' of the 'Skrypt' plug-in. A month ago, the console only printed the following error messages from time to time, which was not a big problem. But now the server pauses for about 10 seconds with another error message.
'monitor interval' cannot be increased, if it is increased, the data will not be saved when the proxy moves the channel.
This problem often happens when there are a lot of users on the server and I think if there is a lot of data storage, the server stops.
[19:34:39 INFO]: [Skript] Cannot load variables from the database fast enough (loading took 32.775s, monitor interval = 1.0s). Please increase your monitor interval or reduce usage of variables. (this warning will be repeated at most once every 10 seconds)
[19:34:05 INFO]: [Skript] database error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
errror message
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's documentation can be found here: https://docs.skriptlang.org/
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's tutorials can be found here: https://docs.skriptlang.org/tutorials
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Server Version: git-Paper-381 (MC: 1.20.4)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Skript Version: 2.9.2-nightly-0ece0ee (skriptlang-nightly)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Installed Skript Addons:
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skript-placeholders v1.5.2 (https://github.com/APickledWalrus/skript-placeholders)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - Skellett v2.0.9 (https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skellett.24/)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - HQGiftBoxSK v1.0.0
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skUtilities v0.9.2 (https://tim740.github.io/)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skript-reflect v2.5.1 (https://github.com/SkriptLang/skript-reflect)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - CoroutineSK v1.0.1
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - skRayFall v1.9.28 (https://sk.rayfall.net/)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - SkQuery v4.1.10
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - SkBee v3.4.3 (https://github.com/ShaneBeee/SkBee)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - ItemsAdder v3.6.3-beta-12 (devs.beer)
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] Installed dependencies:
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - SQLibrary v7.1
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - Vault v1.7.3-b131
[01:48:36 INFO]: [Skript] - WorldGuard v7.0.9+5934e49
I added the 'SQLibrary' plug-in and set 'config.sk ' as stated in 'config.sk ' of the 'Skrypt' plug-in. A month ago, the console only printed the following error messages from time to time, which was not a big problem. But now the server pauses for about 10 seconds with another error message.
'monitor interval' cannot be increased, if it is increased, the data will not be saved when the proxy moves the channel.
This problem often happens when there are a lot of users on the server and I think if there is a lot of data storage, the server stops.
[19:34:39 INFO]: [Skript] Cannot load variables from the database fast enough (loading took 32.775s, monitor interval = 1.0s). Please increase your monitor interval or reduce usage of variables. (this warning will be repeated at most once every 10 seconds)
[19:34:05 INFO]: [Skript] database error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
errror message
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