Im trying to extract a number out of a string(lore), but it just returns as none.

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New Member
Aug 21, 2022
if {minmods::%loop-entity's uuid%::%{_count}%} is dispenser named "&aMinion Compressor":
                    set {_lore::*} to line 1 of lore of {minmods::%loop-entity's uuid%::%{_count}%} split at " "
                    set {_lore::*} to {_lore::3} split at "/"
                    set {_comp} to "%{_lore::1}%" parsed as number
                    broadcast "%{_comp}%"

I have no idea why this doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated.
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Several things.

1. paste your FULL code.

2. state the error you are getting. 'not working' is too broad.

3. list your plugins.
Several things.

1. paste your FULL code.

2. state the error you are getting. 'not working' is too broad.

3. list your plugins.
My full code should not really be necessary for this type of thing. Im looking for a solution to a problem that can apply to multiple projects. I have no errors, But when I try to convert the string into a number, It returns as <none>. Plugins should also not be necessary? But if you really want to know, SkBee, Skquery, and skRayFall.
My full code should not really be necessary for this type of thing. Im looking for a solution to a problem that can apply to multiple projects. I have no errors, But when I try to convert the string into a number, It returns as <none>. Plugins should also not be necessary? But if you really want to know, SkBee, Skquery, and skRayFall.
Providing the information is a matter of if you want help or not.

Without the full code, I have  no idea what the context of this is. The errors might be in the previous lines, but I have absolutely no idea because I don't know what the fuck you are parsing.

Please provide the full code.