Hey, I've been trying to make an item "compressor" where the player can drop items on to it to have them compressed. I have some code to just turn the item into something else when dropped on the compressor.
I'm looking to make it so where the player has to drop 32 cobblestone and it turns into another item. I have looked through the docs and couldn't find anything. Using amount of event-dropped item gives an error saying event-dropped item can only have 1 value. I've also tried send event-dropped item to player and if you drop multiple items it will say "dropped 8 cobblestone blocks"
I may submit an issue on GitHub if this isn't a feature in skript. Thanks
on drop of cobblestone:
wait 10 ticks
if block below event-dropped item is reinforced deepslate:
send "&lmagical item compressor 9000 > &rcompressing item..." to player
set event-dropped item to stone button named "&rCompressed Stone Fragment"
I may submit an issue on GitHub if this isn't a feature in skript. Thanks