If clicked block is a cauldron with water?

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Dec 9, 2018
How can I check if player clicked a cauldron with water? and how can I change player's tool material but still keep it lore/name. thx guys
I believe the water level in the cauldron is a data value
so just check the data value of the clicked block

For the tool part, just save the name and lore to variables and apply them to the new item
on right click:
if clicked block is a cauldron:
message "1"
if value data of clicked block is 3:
message "2"
non of them work =.= no message has been sent . if clicked block work with other block (anvil) but not cauldron . please help
[doublepost=1544400160,1544399955][/doublepost]and one more problem how can I apply lore to the new item with new skript? if I use

set {_lore} to lore of player's tool
set {_name} to name of player's tool
set player's tool to a wooden sword named "%{_name}%" with lore "%{_lore}%"
it only line 1 of old tool is set to the new one
First of all please format code using the format button (look above the text field, there is a + symbol, click it and choose Code). Second of all, make a seperate post about your lore issue, it's much easier to solve one problem at a time. And my solution to your code would be remove the 'a' before cauldron, but I'm not entirely sure and I cannot test it currently.
on right click:
if clicked block is a cauldron:
message "1"
if value data of clicked block is 3:
message "2"
non of them work =.= no message has been sent . if clicked block work with other block (anvil) but not cauldron . please help
You wrote the syntax wrong.
I suggest going to the link I sent you, and checking the correct syntax.
Skript is pattern specific.

I tested it with the correct syntax and it works.

Also I tested the lore thing and it works, you just wrote it incorrectly.

when you do
set player's tool to a wooden sword named "%{_name}%" with lore "%{_lore}%"
You are putting the lore into one line since you are putting the expression in quotes.
remove the quotes and the %%
If you're using the Skript 2.3 betas on 1.13 with the new aliases system you should just be able to do "filled cauldron".
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