i need help

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New Member
May 14, 2024
i am trying to run a command when someone dies

on death:
    make player run command "tag @p remove red_flag" as op
on death:
    make player run command "tag @p remove blue_flag" as op
i have skutilites on and am just trying to get rid of a single tag when they die
Don't use outdated addons and don't run player / console commands unless its absolutely necessary

Don't use outdated addons and don't run player / console commands unless its absolutely necessary

but why would you not use built in mc commands?
but why can't i use built in mc commands?
but why is that not one of the first things they did with skript, run commands?
because Skript's whole purpose is being an English-like programming language, if you spam commands every line you are not only making your code uglier and harder to debug but also ruining the whole point of Skript.
You are also filling up your console with useless messages, such as the "tag removed" message.
because Skript's whole purpose is being an English-like programming language, if you spam commands every line you are not only making your code uglier and harder to debug but also ruining the whole point of Skript.
You are also filling up your console with useless messages, such as the "tag removed" message.
could i run a function instead?
and to answer your original question do make console execute command "tag %player's name% remove red_flag"
I don't understand anyone on this thread, why are you both insisting on using console commands that makes your code uglier and harder to debug when there is a proper way of handling tags?
I don't understand anyone on this thread, why are you both insisting on using console commands that makes your code uglier and harder to debug when there is a proper way of handling tags?
I want it to run commands from console, not make tags specifically. Console commands are easier and faster than some crappy scratch "on death" bs