I need help with a generator.

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Active Member
Mar 24, 2020
So I wanted to make a generator and I got 18 errors for the gold one.. here is the code...:

on place:
    loop all blocks in a radius of 3 from event-block:
        if event-block is yellow terracotta:
            if {yterra.%loop-player%} > 0:
                if target block isn't yellow terracotta:
                    cancel event
                    send "&cUpgrade your current generator!"
            else if {yterra.%loop-player%} < 0:
                set {yterra.%loop-player%} to 1
                send "&6BoxFarms| &aYou placed down your generator!"
                set {_loc} to {_loc} of event-block
on right click:
    loop all blocks in a radius of 3 from event-block:
        if event-block is yellow terracotta:
            if player's tool is yellow terracotta:
                cancel event
                add 1 to {yterra.%loop-player%}
                send "&6BoxFarms| &aYou upgraded your generator!"
every 5 seconds in world "true":
    loop all players:
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 1:
            drop 1 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 2:
            drop 2 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 3:
            drop 3 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 4:
            drop 4 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 5:
            drop 5 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 6:
            drop 6 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 7:
            drop 7 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 8:
            drop 8 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 9:
            drop 9 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 10:
            drop 10 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 11:
            drop 11 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 12:
            drop 12 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 13:
            drop 13 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 14:
            drop 14 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 15:
            drop 15 gold at {_loc}
        if {yterra.%loop-player%} is 16:
            drop 16 gold at {_loc}
Any help please?
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