I need help making a thing that when you first join the server you get a reroll that lets you get one of 12 abilities can you make a Thunder, Ice, Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Ender, a gold one (grinding villager trades can go to 1 with a 40 second cooldown and any ore mined is quadrupled) Crater that can tps players 75 blocks into the air as and makes them instantly come crashing down secondary ability and then theres the other 3 that cant be obtained through getting rerolls which are event items Dragon Vortex, Wither Vortex, Warden Vortex, also make it so you can do /trust, most of the abilities except the event ones have Primary and Secondary Abilities and the Event ones have Tertiary abilities Make it so you have to do /legend:legendprimary, /legend:legendsecondary and /legend:legendtertiary to activate the abilities, also if you have op you can do /legendgive ability|reroll|rumor|revive if they do abilities it should replace the old ability if they do reroll same thing but a random ability and if they do upgrader they'll be able to use it 3 times to boost its effective ness you can get to -3 Upgrades before your banned the first ugrade when you get to +1 it rumors your passive the +2 rumors cut your cooldown by 1/4 and at +3 rumors the effects duration is longer by 1/3 of the original duration the revive just unbans a player that has been banned by renaming it to the players username and once revived they spawn in at -2 rumors every legend(the abilities) have different abilities