Solved I need help in random spawns

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Active Member
Jul 20, 2017
Well I will explain a little what I want to do:

I want to do a skript of uhcmetup, and I want that when entering, because each person appears in a different place, that is to say each person spawne in the map of 100x100 but in a different place, never that 2 players spawnen in a same place thanks!
function getUhcmetupLocation(locations:Locations,radius:Integer=27,best_players_count:Integer=100) :: Location:
    loop {_locations::*}:
        if amount of (all players in radius {_radius} around loop-value) = 0:
            return loop-value
        else if amount of (all players in radius {_radius} around loop-value) < {_best_players_count}:
            set {_return} to loop-value
            set {_best_players_count} to amount of (all players in radius {_radius} around loop-value)
    #if {_return} isn't set:
      #  return {_locations::1}
    return {_return}
Well I will explain a little what I want to do:

I want to do a skript of uhcmetup, and I want that when entering, because each person appears in a different place, that is to say each person spawne in the map of 100x100 but in a different place, never that 2 players spawnen in a same place thanks!
I found this code online from a Spigot skript post that's free to download, you could change some things and repurpose it to your wishes.

    min.x: -250
    max.x: 250
    min.z: -250
    max.z: 250
    avoid: air or water block or lava block or stone block or sandstone block or mossy cobblestone block or dirt block
    perm: cmd.wild
    cooldown: 10 seconds #Change to whatever you like such as "1 minute" "2 hours" "1 day" "30 seconds"

Command /wild:
    permission: {@perm}
        set {_waited} to difference between {wild.%player%.lastused} and now
        if {_waited} is less than {@cooldown}:
            message "&c(!) &4You must wait %difference between {@cooldown} and {_waited}% before using this command again."
        send "&c(!) &eTeleporting to the wild. &e&l{Expect Some &4&lMinor &e&lLag}" to player
        wait 1 tick
        send "&c(!) &eTeleporting in 3 Seconds."
        wait 1 second
        send "&c(!) &eTeleporting in 2 Seconds."
        wait 1 second
        send "&c(!) &eTeleporting in 1 Second."
        wait 2 second
        apply resistance 100 to player for 6 seconds
        wait 1 tick
        set {_loc::old} to player's location
        while player's location is {_loc::old}:
            set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z}
            loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
                if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
                    if block under loop-block is not {@avoid}:
                        set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
                        teleport player to {_loc::new}
                        stop loop
                        wait 10 ticks
        set {wild.%player%.lastused} to now
You could make the uhc core skript I assume you're using to automatically make all players execute the /wild command on the start of the game or build it into the 'on game start' code area, best of luck,