I need help fix a skript

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Jul 6, 2019
Hello, I found a script that one of my friends need but it has 32 errors and I'm not good enough to fix them.
# WorldHost Legendary v1.2.0
    support-see: rank.support #Permission to see support requests
    lobby-world: world #Main world for commands to be dispatched from
    fly-permission: node.fly #Permission to fly in {@lobby-world}

function scriptCompile(n: number) :: number:
    broadcast "&cReloading &aWorld&eHost&c version 1.0 &6by &9_C02&c!"
    execute console command "sk reload WorldHost"
function credSend(p: player) :: player:
    send "&7" to {_p}
    send "&aWorld Host &bcreated by &e_C02" to {_p}
    send "&aTwitter: &b@_C02" to {_p}
    send "&aServer: &bdeathryl.ga:2108" to {_p}
    send "&aDonate to me :D: &bPaypal: &[email protected]" to {_p}
    send "&7" to {_p}
on server stop:
command /fly [<offline player>]:
        if world is "%{server.%player%}%":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if offlineplayer-arg is online:
                    if {flight.%arg-1%} is set:
                        delete {flight.%arg-1%}
                        set arg-1's flight mode to false
                        send "&bYour flight mode was changed to false!" to arg-1
                        send "&aFlight mode updated"
                        set {flight.%arg-1%} to true
                        set arg-1's flight mode to true
                        send "&bYour flight mode was changed to true!" to arg-1
                        send "&aFlight mode updated"
                    send "&cThat player is not online!"
                if {flight.%player%} is set:
                    delete {flight.%player%}
                    set player's flight mode to false
                    send "&bYour flight mode was changed to false!"
                    send "&aFlight mode updated"
                    set {flight.%player%} to true
                    set player's flight mode to true
                    send "&bYour flight mode was changed to true!"
                    send "&aFlight mode updated"
        else if world is "{@lobby-world}":
            if player has permission "{@fly-permission}":
                if arg 1 is set:
                    if offlineplayer-arg is online:
                        if {flight.%arg-1%} is set:
                            delete {flight.%arg-1%}
                            set arg-1's flight mode to false
                            send "&bYour flight mode was changed to false!" to arg-1
                            send "&aFlight mode updated"
                            set {flight.%arg-1%} to true
                            set arg-1's flight mode to true
                            send "&bYour flight mode was changed to true!" to arg-1
                            send "&aFlight mode updated"
                        send "&cThat player is not online!"
                    if {flight.%player%} is set:
                        delete {flight.%player%}
                        set player's flight mode to false
                        send "&bYour flight mode was changed to false!"
                        send "&aFlight mode updated"
                        set {flight.%player%} to true
                        set player's flight mode to true
                        send "&bYour flight mode was changed to true!"
                        send "&aFlight mode updated"
                send "&cInsufficient permissions!"
            send "&cYou are not the creator of this server."
command /gm [<offline player>] [<text>]:
        if world is "%{server.%player%}%":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if offlineplayer-arg is online:
                    if arg-1's world is "%{server.%player%}%":
                        if arg 2 is "creative" or "c" or "1":
                            set the arg-1's gamemode to creative
                            send "&fYour gamemode has been updated" to arg-1
                            send "&f%arg-1%'s gamemode has been updated"
                        else if arg 2 is "survival" or "s" or "0":
                            set the arg-1's gamemode to survival
                            send "&fYour gamemode has been updated" to arg-1
                            send "&f%arg-1%'s gamemode has been updated"
                        else if arg 2 is "adventure" or "a" or "2":
                            set the arg-1's gamemode to adventure
                            send "&fYour gamemode has been updated" to arg-1
                            send "&f%arg-1%'s gamemode has been updated"
                        else if arg 2 is "spectator" or "sp" or "3":
                            set the arg-1's gamemode to spectator
                            send "&fYour gamemode has been updated" to arg-1
                            send "&f%arg-1%'s gamemode has been updated"
                            send "&fInvalid gamemode: &cCreative/Survival/Adventure/Spectator"
                        send "&fThat player is offline!"
                    send "&fThat player is offline!"
                send "&fUsage: /gm (player) (type)"
            send "&cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error."
command /bc [<text>]:
    aliases: /broadcast
        if world is "%{server.%player%}%":
            if arg 1 is set:
                broadcast "&9Broad&ecast&9> &e%arg-1%" to player's world
                send "&cProvide a message!"   
            send "&cYou are not the creator of this server."
command /pluginsmenu [<text>]:
        if world is "%{server.%player%}%":
            wait 0.2 seconds
            open chest with 6 rows named "<underline>Plugins" to player
            if {essentials.installed.%{server.%player%}%} is set:
                format slot 0 of player with bookshelf named "&e<underline>HPE" with lore "&fAKA WorldHost Essentials||&fRemake of Essentials for WorldHost Servers||&fCurrently installed: &aTrue" to close then run [make player execute command "cloud:install_essentials"]
                format slot 0 of player with bookshelf named "&e<underline>HPE" with lore "&fAKA WorldHost Essentials||&fRemake of Essentials for WorldHost Servers||&fCurrently installed: &cFalse" to close then run [make player execute command "cloud:install_essentials"]
command /cloud:install_essentials:
        if {essentials.installed.%{server.%player%}%} is set:
            delete {essentials.installed.%{server.%player%}%}
            remove 1 from {installed.%{server.%player%}%}
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &eEssentials &7has been &cdeleted&7."
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&2&m==================================================="
            send "&7"
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &7Any plugins installed/deleted may require a restart to take effect."
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &7As a reminder, &cmore plugins = more lag"
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &7Restart the server with &e/stop"
            send "&7"
            send "&2&m==================================================="
            add 1 to {installed.%{server.%player%}%}
            set {essentials.installed.%{server.%player%}%} to true
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &eEssentials &7has been &ainstalled&7."
            wait 3 seconds
            send "&2&m==================================================="
            send "&7"
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &7Any plugins installed/deleted may require a restart to take effect."
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &7As a reminder, &cmore plugins = more lag"
            send "&9Plu&egins&9> &7Restart the server with &e/stop"
            send "&7"
            send "&2&m==================================================="       
command /control [<text>]:
        if world is "%{server.%player%}%":
            open chest with 1 row named "<underline>%{server.%player%}% Control" to player
            format slot 1 of player with minecart named "&ePlugins" with lore "&fCurrently installed||&e%{installed.%{server.%player%}%}%/5" to close then run [make player execute command "pluginsmenu"]
            format slot 3 of player with paper named "&eGamerules" to close then run [make player execute command "gamerulesmenu"]
            format slot 5 of player with command block named "&eReset" with lore "&cWill stop your server||&cCannot be undone" to close then run [make player execute command "reset-world"]
            format slot 7 of player with lava bucket named "&eDelete" with lore "&cCompletely deletes your server||&cCannot be undone||&cName can be taken" to close then run [make player execute command "reset-all"]
            format slot 0 of player with ender pearl named "&eRequest Support" with lore "&fIf you need help" to close then run [make player execute command "support request"]
            format slot 2 of player with grass named "&eNews" with lore "&fSet news" to close then run [make player execute command "news"]
        else if world is "{@lobby-world}":
            send "&fUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
            send "&cYou are not the creator of this server."
command /support [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "request":
            if {server.%player%} is set:
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player has permission "{@support-see}":
                        send "&e%player% &7has requested support on their server &e%{server.%player%}%"
                send "&9World&eHost&9> &7You must have a server to use this command."
command /whkick [<offline player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if offlineplayer-arg is online:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    send "&c----------------------------" to arg-1
                    send "&fKicked from %players world%: %arg-2%" to arg-1
                    send "&fYou have been connected to the Lobby." to arg-1
                    send "&c----------------------------"
                    execute console command "mvtp %arg-1% {@lobby-world}"
                    send "&c----------------------------" to arg-1
                    send "&fKicked from %players world%: No Reason Provided" to arg-1
                    send "&fYou have been connected to the Lobby." to arg-1
                    send "&c----------------------------"
                    execute console command "mvtp %arg-1% {@lobby-world}"
                send "&9World&eHost&9> &7That player is not online!"
            send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Usage: /kick (player) <reason(optional)>"
command /whban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if offlineplayer-arg is online:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    set {banned.%player%.%player's world%} to true
                    set %{ban.reason.%player%.%player's world%}% to "%arg-2%"
                    send "&c----------------------------" to arg-1
                    send "&fBanned from %players world%: %arg-2%" to arg-1
                    send "&fYou have been connected to the Lobby." to arg-1
                    send "&c----------------------------"
                    execute console command "mvtp %arg-1% {@lobby-world}"
                    send "&c----------------------------" to arg-1
                    send "&fBanned from %players world%: No Reason Provided" to arg-1
                    send "&fYou have been connected to the Lobby." to arg-1
                    send "&c----------------------------"
                    execute console command "mvtp %arg-1% {@lobby-world}"
                send "&9World&eHost&9> &7That player is not online!"
            send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Usage: /kick (player) <reason(optional)>"
command /delete [<offline player>]:
    permission: host.admin
    permission message: &cYou do not have permission.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if offlineplayer-arg is offline:
                execute console command "mvdelete %{server.%player%}%"
                execute console command "mvconfirm"
                delete {news.%{server.%player%}%}
                delete {joinmessage.%{server.%player%}%}
                delete {server.strike.%{server.%player%}%}
                delete {name.%{server.%player%}%}
                delete {server.%player%}
                delete {players.%arg-1%}
command /create [<text>]:
        world is "{@lobby-world}":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if {server.%player%} is not set:
                    if {name.%arg-1%} is not set:
                        if {access.%player%} is not set: #Change later
                            send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Creating your server."
                            send "&9World&eHost&9> &7This may take a few moments..."
                            execute console command "mvcreate %arg-1% normal -t flat"
                            wait 3 seconds
                            set {server.%player%} to "%arg-1%"
                            set {name.%arg-1%} to true
                            make player execute command "join %arg-1%"
                        send "&9World&eHost&9> &7A server already exists by that name."
                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &cYou already have a server!"
                send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Usage: /create (name)"
            send "&fUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
command /setmotd [<text>]:
        if {server.%player%} is set:
            if world is "%{server.%player%}%":
                send "&9Motd> &7Your server MOTD has been updated to &e%arg-1%&7."
                set {motd.%{server.%player%}%} to "%arg-1%"
                wait 2 seconds
                send "&2&m======================================="
                send "&7"
                send "&9Restart> &7You may have to restart for any changes!"
                send "&7"
                send "&2&m======================================="
command /join [<text>]:
        world is "{@lobby-world}":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if {name.%arg-1%} is true:
                    if arg-1 is "%{server.%player%}%":
                        loop all players:
                            if {banned.%player%.%arg-1%} is not set:
                                if {players.%arg-1%} is greater than 0:
                                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Sending you to your requested server..." to player
                                    execute console command "mvtp %player% %arg-1%"
                                    add 1 to {players.%{server.%player%}%}
                                    send "&2&m===================================" to player
                                    send "&7" to player
                                    send "&9Server> &7Welcome to your &aFree Server&7, provided by WorldHost!" to player
                                    send "&9Server Notes> &7None!" to player
                                    if {server.strike.%{server.%player%}%} is set:
                                        send "&9Server Strikes> &e%{server.strike.%{server.%player%}%}%/5" to player
                                        send "&9Server Strikes> &70" to player
                                        send "&7" to player
                                        send "&2&m===============================" to player
                                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Your requested server is starting up..."
                                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &7This may take a few moments..."
                                    if {loading.%player%} is true:
                                        execute console command "mvunload %arg-1%"
                                        ban the player due to "&cYou have been temporarily blacklisted from WorldHost%nl%&6Expires in 5 minutes%nl%&fReason: &bSpamming Join Command, attempting to crash software%nl%&bStaff: &eSentry"
                                        wait 5 minutes
                                        execute console command "pardon %player%"
                                        set {loading.%player%} to true
                                        wait 2 seconds
                                        execute console command "mvload %arg-1%"
                                        set {loading.%player%} to true
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading.."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 5 seconds
                                        send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Sending you to your requested server."
                                        execute console command "mvtp %player% %arg-1%"
                                        add 1 to {players.%arg-1%}
                                        add 1 to {total.%arg-1%}
                                        delete {loading.%player%}
                                        if {joinmessage.%arg-1%} is true:
                                            broadcast "&e%player% joined the game." to player's world
                            loop all players:
                                if {players.%arg-1%} is greater than 0:
                                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Sending you to your requested server..." to player
                                    execute console command "mvtp %player% %arg-1%"
                                    add 1 to {players.%{server.%player%}%}
                                    send "&2&m===================================" to player
                                    send "&7" to player
                                    send "&9Server> &7Welcome to your &aFree Server&7, provided by WorldHost!" to player
                                    send "&9Server Notes> &7None!" to player
                                    if {server.strike.%{server.%player%}%} is set:
                                        send "&9Server Strikes> &e%{server.strike.%{server.%player%}%}%/5" to player
                                        send "&9Server Strikes> &70" to player
                                        send "&7" to player
                                        send "&2&m===============================" to players
                                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Your requested server is starting up..."
                                    send "&9World&eHost&9> &7This may take a few moments..."
                                    if {loading.%player%} is true:
                                        execute console command "mvunload %arg-1%"
                                        ban the player due to "&cYou have been temporarily blacklisted from WorldHost%nl%&6Expires in 5 minutes%nl%&fReason: &bSpamming Join Command, attempting to crash software%nl%&bStaff: &eSentry"
                                        wait 5 minutes
                                        execute console command "pardon %player%"
                                        set {loading.%player%} to true
                                        wait 2 seconds
                                        execute console command "mvload %arg-1%"
                                        set {loading.%player%} to true
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 1 second
                                        send "&9Loading> &7Loading..."
                                        wait 5 seconds
                                        send "&9World&eHost&9> &7Sending you to your requested server."
                                        execute console command "mvtp %player% %arg-1%"
                                        add 1 to {players.%arg-1%}
                                        add 1 to {total.%arg-1%}
                                        delete {loading.%player%}
                                        if {joinmessage.%arg-1%} is true:
                                            broadcast "&e%player% joined the game." to player's world
                                send "&c----------------------------"
                                send "&fKicked while connecting: You're banned!"
                                send "&fReason: %{ban.reason.%player%.%arg-1%}%"
                                send "&c----------------------------"
                        send "&9World&eHost&9> &7No server exists by the name &e%arg-1%&7."
                send "&fUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."

Please help me

On the official page of this skript it says that multiverse core, and skellet are required
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