I need a skript (pretty long)

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Active Member
Feb 12, 2021
I need a /report skript

- if they only do /report send "&cPlease report a &6Player &cand type a &eReason"

- Message if they didn't put in a player: send "&cYou need to choose a player!"

- Message if they didn't put in a reason: send "&cYou need to have a reason!"

- Message if they try to report thereself: send "&cYou can't report yourself!"

- Message if they reported the player: send "&aYou reported (the player they reported)"

- Message for cooldown: send "You need to wait (time they have to wait)

- 10 second cooldown

- if they get to 5 warns /tempban player 1 hour "&cYou have to many warns"

- /report <player> <reason>

- permission sk.report (for /reports)

- permission message: send "&cInsufficient Permission"

- /reports (shows reports)

/report [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]
&c[&6Warning System&c] &6FrostPVP &cwarned &6FrostPVP
&c[&6Warning System&c] He not has 2 warn(s).
&c[&6Warning System&c] Reason: &6Hacking

Thank you
Last edited:
command /report <player> <text>:
  usage: &c/report <player name> <reason> - Please report a &6Player &cand type a &eReason
    if {reportcooldown::%player%} <= 0:
      if arg-1 is set:
        if {playerreports::%player%} contains "%arg-1%":
          send "&cYou already reported the player %arg-1%!"
          if arg-2 is set:
            send "&aYou have successfully reported &c%arg-1% &afor: %arg-2%"
            set {playerreports::%player%} to "%arg-1%"
            add 1 to {warns::%arg-1%}
            add "%player% reported %arg-1% for: %arg-2%" to {reports::*}
            if {warns::%arg-1%} is 5:
              make console execute command "/tempban %arg-1% 1h &cYou have to many warns"
              set {warns::%arg-1%} to 0
      send "&cYou have to wait another &4%{reportcooldown::%player%}% &cseconds."
    set {reportcooldown::%player%} to 10
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}
    wait 20 ticks
    remove 1 from {reportcooldown::%player%}

command /reports:
  permission: sk.report
  permission message: "&cInsufficient Permission"
    send "&cSubmitted reports:" to player
    send "%{reports::*}%" to player

command /reportsclear:
  permission: sk.report
  permission message: "&cInsufficient Permission"
    set {reports::*} to "<none>"
    send "&2Reports have been cleared!" to player

I made this but there are a few things I couldn't do:
The messages to specify different things because of the "usage: ..."
You can report yourself
If you report player1 then player2 you can report player1 again
The /reports is unorganized and can be hard to check all if there were lots of reports

And I added /reportsclear which allows you to clear all the reports.