I need a "Kit on respawn" Type skript

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Aug 4, 2024
So I have been trying to make a skript that gives a player in a certain team or with a certain permissions a kit on respawn. I've looked at several other skripts and despite also asking around, I can't find one that works. Plugins and addons being used: Skript and SkeeBee. I was also hoping that it could have a system where i can easily make my current inventory the kit, and add more kits for different permissions.
I'd like the skript in around a week, but It's not exactly a solid deadline, it can change if needed.
For example:
/kit make (player) could make the players inventory the kit
/kit give (player) would be able to give a player a kit

In addition i've been looking for a simple skript that when a person with a keycard clicks on a iron door with a certain block under it, it teleports them past the door rather than opening it.
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