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Active Member
Feb 12, 2021
Uh I need a custom combat log skript for my server

- They get warned:
make console execute command: warn %player% Combat Log

- When they get /killed when combat log:
broadcast "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &e(player that combat logged) &chas Combat Logged"

- when they come back into the game and they combat logged:
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &cSinse you combat logged you have been /killed"

- if player hits you:
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &cYou have been combat tagged for 10 seconds by"
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &c(player that hit you)&e! &4Do not log out"

- If you hit player:
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &cYou have been combat tagged for 10 seconds by"
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &c&e(player that hit you)&e! &4Do not log out"
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &cYou are attacking &e(player that you hit)&cDo not log out!"

- once they get out of combat:
send "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &aYou are no longer in combat. You may log out or /spawn"

- combat log bypass
permission: "combatlog.bypass"
doesn't die when combat log and doesn't get warned

if I'm missing something please tell me :emoji_slight_smile:
Thank You! <3
[doublepost=1616184574,1616089963][/doublepost]<!> BumpV1 <!>
super easy to make. just make it yourself don't be lazy
im new to skript and im trying to learn... thats why i asked
super easy to make. just make it yourself don't be lazy
If i knew how to make one i would but i don't
[doublepost=1616388567][/doublepost]<!> BumpV2 <!>
[doublepost=1616520871][/doublepost]<!> BumpV3 <!>
Okay. Imma start working on it. I'll tell you when I'm done.
Okay. Imma start working on it. I'll tell you when I'm done.
So I just got done with your request. For me there were no errors, so it should work. If it doesn't, try installing SkQuery, and if it still doesn't work, then please contact me.


(Also, I don't need any credit for it)
Okay. Imma start working on it. I'll tell you when I'm done.
So I just got done with your request. For me there were no errors, so it should work. If it doesn't, try installing SkQuery, and if it still doesn't work, then please contact me.


(Also, I don't need any credit for it)
Okay. Imma start working on it. I'll tell you when I'm done.
So I just got done with your request. For me there were no errors, so it should work. If it doesn't, try installing SkQuery, and if it still doesn't work, then please contact me.


(Also, I don't need any credit for it)
Thank you :emoji_slight_smile:
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