I have no clue how to fix this the errors say indention errors but if i fix it it doesnt work!

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command /activeduty [<text>]:
    permission: staff.active
        if {vias.%player%} is not set:
            send "&cIf you are caught abusing this (we have logs) you will be demoted and possibly banned." to player
            set {vias.%player%} to 1
            set {loc} to location of block at location of player
            send "&9You toggled active mode!" to player
            execute console command "/fly %player% on"
            execute console command "tab player %player% tagsuffix &c&lON-DUTY&8-&e%arg-1%"
            send "&9You toggled active mode!" to player
            execute console command "/fly %player% off"
            wait 1 tick
            clear {vias.%player%}
            teleport player to {loc}
            execute console command "tab player %player% tagsuffix &f"
            send "&cIf you are caught abusing this (we have logs) you will be demoted and possibly banned." to player
on damage:
    if {vias.%victim%} is set:
        cancel event

command /freeze [<text>]:
    Permission: staff.freeze
        if arg-1 is set:
            set {_p} to arg-1 parsed as offline player
            if arg-1 parsed as player is online:
                if arg-1 parsed as player has permission "staff.bypass.freeze":
                    send "&bYou cannot freeze that person!"
                    if {froze.%arg-1%} is not set:
                        set {froze.%arg-1%} to true
                        send "You have been frozen by %player%" to arg-1 parsed as offline player
                        clear {froze.%arg-1%}
                        send "You were unfrozen by %player%" to arg-1 parsed as offline player
on player move:
    if {froze.%player%} is set:
        cancel event
Here are the reasons why it gave a couple errors:
Line 28: There's no indentation canceling out the if statement on line 27
Line 36: The 'if' in the 'else if:' is not required since you didn't include another if statement. There was also an extra space between the 'if' and the ':'
Argument issues:
Since arg-1 was technically a text, it doesn't know how to check if a text is online or how to send a message to a text. Including a 'parsed as offline player' (I know you want to check if the player is online, but it works) will fix it. You could also change the [<text>] to [<player>] and it would fix it (though you would need to remove all of the 'parsed as offline player'). Have a good day!
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